CCRS Implementation Team Meeting #3 Welcome everyone, make introductions, if necessary. “Do we have any new people joining us?” “We only have 25 minutes for this session and we will not have time to address questions. So, jot down any questions that come to mind and leave them on the registration table. We will post FAQs on the CCRS website but if there are any questions that need immediate attention, we will share that information later in the day.” The Journey Continues! February, 2013
Our Vision Every Child a Graduate – Every Graduate Prepared for College/Work/Adulthood in the 21st Century At every opportunity, remind everyone of our vision.
Prepared Graduate Defined Possesses the knowledge and skills needed to enroll and succeed in credit-bearing, first-year courses at a two- or four-year college, trade school, technical school, without the need for remediation. Possesses the ability to apply core academic skills to real- world situations through collaboration with peers in problem solving, precision, and punctuality in delivery of a product, and has a desire to be a life-long learner. Again, remind ourselves of what being a prepared graduate actually means. This is why we have these CCRS Implementation Team quarterly meetings. This is also why there have been several changes this year…..we have a new vision for the students of Alabama and it is the right one.
During this year of transition, we really are committed to two way communication – listening to you so that adjustments can be made to reflect what is best for children and young people. So one of the things you have asked us to do is to update you at every opportunity of any changes!
Timeline for Implementation Alabama College- and Career-Ready Assessment System Timeline for Implementation School Year Grades K-2 Grades 3-7 Grades 8-12 End-of-Course Assessments College- and Career- Ready Assessments 2012-13 Formative/Interim/ Benchmark Assessments (LEA Determined) ARMT+ (Grades 3-8) English 9 English 10 Algebra I Geometry (AHSGE Grades 11-12) EXPLORE (Grade 8) PLAN (Grade 10) 2013-14 New Above assessments plus English 11 Algebra II Biology Chemistry U. S. History (AHSGE Grades 12) ACT Plus Writing (Grade 11) 2014-15 English 12 Pre-Calculus Physics ACT Plus Writing (Grade 11) WorkKeys (Grade 12) 2015-16 Above assessments I hope this is not the first time you have seen this! This is the timeline for the new assessment system that would truly measure college and career readiness. Over 20% of our students took an EOC test in December (block schedule) and those that took it online reported that they would never go back to the old way! So, remember this is a journey and as part of that we do have to think about and address the technology needs to move our schools to reflect this generation. There are a couple of updates – Biology EOC has been moved to next year because as you may know science standards are on the horizon and we want to make sure the EOC reflects our standards. The COS committee for math and ELA reconvened in January to review the standards for high school courses to ensure alignment with assessments – those recommendations are forthcoming. The Assessment and Accountability Task Force reconvened on Feb. 4th to discuss the 3-7 assessment that would replace ARMT. There was a unanimous recommendation for an assessment that aligns with the current assessment system and provides a paper/pencil administration option as well as an online option. That recommendation will go to the State Board later this month. We hope for approval soon thereafter. NOTE: State-provided formative/interim/benchmark assessments aligned to college- and career-ready standards will be available August 2012 for Grades K-12.
Resources for Formative Assessment Insert Quality Core link Again, I hope you know there has been a huge shift from a total focus on summative assessment to an emphasis on formative assessment. Solid research supports that a teacher’s USE of formative assessment can be the most significant factor in student achievement. So the state purchased two formative assessment systems for anybody in this state to use – you don’t have to, but it is available.
How are students doing DURING the year? Increased emphasis on “formative assessment” Global Scholar – Over 600,000 tests administered to date in 84% of the districts QualityCore – Over 330 teachers trained in January Other? Most of the Global Scholar administrations have been Performance Series although some teachers are beginning to use Achievement series.
ALABAMA HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA AREAS OF STUDY REQUIREMENTS CREDITS English Language Arts English 9, 10, 11, and 12 or any AP/IB/postsecondary equivalent option of these courses 4 Mathematics Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra Ii w/ Trig or Algebra II, or their equivalent. Additional course(s) to complete the four credits in mathematics must be chosen from the Alabama Course of Study: Mathematics or CTE/AP/IB/postsecondary equivalent courses. Science Biology and a physical science The third and fourth science credits may be used to meet both the science and CTE course requirement and must be chosen from the Alabama Course of Study: Science or CTE/AP/IB/postsecondary equivalent courses Social Studies World History, U.S. History x 2, and Government/Economics or AP/IB/postsecondary equivalent courses. Physical Education LIFE (Personal Fitness) One JROTC credit may be used to meet this requirement 1 Health Education Alabama Course of Study: Health Education 0.5 Career Preparedness Career Preparedness Course (Career and Academic Planning, Computer Applications, Financial Literacy) CTE and/or Foreign Language and/or Arts Education Students choosing CTE, Arts Education, and/or Foreign Language are encouraged to complete two courses in sequence. 3 Electives 2.5 Total Credits Required for Graduation 24 The most recent change is the State Board adoption of the new “one diploma” – this is effective for the 9th graders of 2013-14. Three things to note: “Equivalent course” for each of the core subjects – this will allow different for students, A new Career Preparedness Course in which students would explore their interests, develop a four year plan for high school, and improve their financial literacy The CTE/Foreign Language/Arts courses allow students to pursue areas of interests – they can take 3 foreign languages, 3 CTE or 3 Arts; or they can take one of each, or they can take any combination of them. Within the multiple pathways there are substitute courses available for students with disabilities. The substitute courses include options for students disabilities who in the past have earned the Alabama Occupational Diploma and also students working toward the Alabama Extended Standards – you will receive more information pertaining to this in upcoming Alabama High School Diploma Trainings. This is a good move toward supporting college and career readiness This one approach to the Alabama High School Diploma removes the need for endorsements or the Alabama Occupational Diploma. The focus will be on the coursework taken that necessitates a clearly articulated and individualized four-year high school plan built for each student based on the results from the EXPLORE academic and career interest assessment and middle school coursework. 12-11-12 Draft
Equivalent Course Approval Process Courses may be submitted by LEAs or initiated from SDE An “Equivalent Course Committee” will review for standards and rigor – 4 times a year Approval will be granted ultimately by Dr. Bice The Committee will be comprised of appropriate content specialists from SDE and LEAs based on the courses submitted. More information regarding this process will be shared with superintendents and curriculum directors soon.
What’s Next with CCRS PD! Summer Teaching Academies will be offered throughout the state in June and July Goal is to go deeper into the standards and to develop lessons and units of study for all grade levels and courses Three days in Summer, 2013, with two follow up days in 2013-14 school year Read slide and say that more information will be coming that will include an application process.
Absolutes During the Transition Teach to the standards for each of the required subjects (Alabama College- and Career-Ready Standards - Courses of Study) Through a clearly articulated and locally aligned K-12 curriculum (Sample curricula found on ALEX and Alabama Insight) Supported by aligned resources, support, and professional development (Sample lesson plans and supporting resources found on ALEX, differentiated support through ALSDE Regional Support Teams and ALSDE Initiatives, etc.) Monitored regularly through formative, interim/benchmark assessments to inform the effectiveness of the instruction and continued learning needs of individuals and groups of students (GlobalScholar, QualityCore Benchmarks, and other locally determined assessments) With a goal that each student graduates from high school with the knowledge and skills to succeed in post-high school education and the workforce without the need for remediation as evidenced by multiple measures achieved through multiple pathways to meet the graduation requirements set for students in Alabama. (Alabama High School Graduation Requirements/Diploma) Again …..In the midst of change, there really are some absolutes! Dr. Bice and all of us are committed to listening to you – so we know it is frustrating when things seem to change from one meeting to the other. We are working on that – but remember that we truly have a year to figure this out and put the right things in place for the right reasons. This can only be done with input from you. BRIEFLY READ THE SLIDE
A New Year brings… Opportunity to reflect: A time to look back A time to look at A time to look forward Time to do a midyear check Isn’t a new year wonderful! Gives you a feeling of starting over refreshed – clean slate, etc. Same is true for this journey we are on – this is a time for us to look back and what has worked and what hasn’t; look at where we are now; and look forward at what we need to do focusing on a few main things
Looking back… Survey says! More time for our team to plan Less new information right now Examples of what other districts are doing Differentiated professional learning SDE Update We really do listen to you – surveys and focus groups have provided valuable feedback and input regarding what has happened with CCRS professional development, resources, and support and have provided direction on where we need to go to better support you in your efforts. Read slide saying these are the overwhelming recommendations for the training today.
Outcomes for the Day Participants will: Develop/refine their CCRS professional learning plans for their districts Network and share ideas and plans for CCRS professional learning So, here are our outcomes
Overview of the Day Agenda CCRS PD Guide CCRS Planning Template Session Feedback Review Agenda & Packet (Talk through agenda/locations) Notice that there is an Administrator Job-Alike session from 2:00 – 2:30. This is optional for administrators. You can stay in your content session or meet with administrators to 1) Ask any questions that you may still have about the resources you have been provided, 2) Network with other districts to see how and what they are planning for their CCRS PD, or 3) You may just need a few minutes to get organized before you afternoon team planning session Tell them that feedback from surveys and focus groups helped to guide the planning for today. You said to us that you needed more time for your team to plan together. You also said that you did not need more new information right now, but rather time to really think about how you can effectively Encourage participants to complete the Survey Monkey for this session. QR codes are located throughout the training facility and the link to the survey is on the CCRS website.
Professional Learning College and Career Ready Students Looking at… CIP Formative Assessment Professional Learning College and Career Ready Students EducateAlabama LeadAlabama PLPs RTI A LOT of things happen in school. We, as leaders in schools, districts, and SDE, have to ensure that everything we do connects to our goals and to other “things” Again, it is our job as leaders to make sure our puzzle pieces fit together and to discard them if they don’t. For example, EducateAlabama provides an opportunity to make tight connections. A teacher’s PLP should indicate how they are learning more about the CCRS and how they are making that change in their instruction. Your observations could/should be focused on this. In a recent review of the PLPs across the state, there were few connections on the plans to the CCRS. In this room, we all know there is a connection between the PLPs and the learning of these new CCRS. But, you must ask why is it not reflected on the PLPs? So what can you do about that as teachers are beginning to think about their PLPs. This is an example of how we can focus in the middle of a lot of things coming your way. So, we encourage you as you have time with your team today, think about how you can make connections for your colleagues at your school that are not here. BELOW IS JUST BACKGROUND FOR FACILITATOR SHOULD YOU NEED IT. This is the new vision – a prepared graduate – one that is college and career ready. So, how do the “things” we do fit together to make that happen. CIP – Everyone should have a plan – they may not all look the same or be on the same template – but you should have a plan THAT YOU USE. Your CIP should address what and how you are moving to CCR. Teachers can only attend so much professional learning before they are in overload. You must make tough decisions over the next few years to ensure that professional learning is focused on this shift in content and shift in instruction that reflects CCR. Really implementing RTI so it is a part of the instructional process. Our students are going to have to be scaffolded to achieve this new goal. You all know that formative assessment can make the most significant impact on student learning IF it is used – used by the teacher and the student – use the formative assessment tools we have provided for you (Global Scholar and/or QualityCore) or ones you already have or ones that teachers develop. Make it important and intentional.
What are the SDE’s Roles and Responsibilities? Provide districts the information, professional learning, and resources to support transition to new standards and assessment. Ensure alignment of policies and structures to support transition Stay focused and ON MESSAGE! This is just a reminder from our last meeting – Here are our responsibilities – we are committed to this to better serve you. BELOW IS THE INFORMATION FROM THE PREVIOUS MEETING _ JUST FYI FOR FACILITATOR We (all of us) have a big job ahead of us – all students graduating prepared – So, we have to consider what our roles and responsibilities are in order to achieve that. Here are the SDE’s responsibilities, as we see it right now, and I am sure we will add to this as time passes. But these are our guide as we try to serve you. Read #1
What are the District’s Roles and Responsibilities? Provide administrators and teachers the information, professional learning, and resources to support transition to new standards and assessment. Ensure alignment of policies and structures to support transition Stay focused and ON MESSAGE! So, the SDE’s responsibility is to the district. So, what are the district’s responsibilities? Emphasize that if they don’t have a plan for using the information, professional learning, and resources with their schools, it may not get to the teachers – the ones who directly impact children. You might say that you know they have a lot on their plates and may be protecting teachers from being overwhelmed – totally understandable – but find a way to keep teachers informed.
What are other districts doing? 3-5 minute video from Shelby County – ask them to turn and talk to a neighbor about what they saw that they want to think about in their districts 3-5 minute video from Madison City Schools – do same – allow time to think and talk a bit
ALABAMA COLLEGE- & CAREER-READY STANDARDS & SUPPORT WEBSITE New tab on our CCRS website to share best practices.
Email Cindy Freeman, cfreeman@alsde Email Cindy Freeman,, if you would like to add your local resources here. Reference one or more
Looking forward… Consider CCRS PD in Four Phases: Awareness Implementation Follow-up/Support/Coaching Evaluation As we look forward we may want to consider our professional learning plan for CCRS in four phases. Briefly read slide
Four Phases and Resources for NEW GOAL of College and Career Readiness CCRS Team Professional Learning Alabama Insight Tool Global Scholar Summer Teaching Academies Regional Planning Team Regional Support Staff (RSS) Differentiated Support District and school coaches CCRS website CCRS Self Assessment Evaluation and Accountability Awareness Implementation Follow up/ Support Consider this graphic – the phases are in the circle and current resources or support are in the boxes. Briefly reference the resources
Reminders about PD practice Teachers work in community (PLCs) Focused on CCRS understanding and practice Teachers work in community (PLCs) Leadership provides time for collaboration Plan for support and coaching Results in implementation Outcomes based As you all know, there are researched based practices about quality professional development. Here are some highlights from that research. We must commit to effective professional learning. PLCs, Time, Support and Coaching, etc.
Remember these Resources for School Based Professional Learning Remind them of these two resources.
Looking back… Survey says! More time for our team to plan Less new information right now Examples of what other districts are doing Differentiated professional learning SDE Update CALL ATTENTION TO THE DIFFERENTIATED PROFESSIONAL LEARNING BULLET This is what you asked us to do today. Allow time for your team to discuss what you have done, where you are now, and where you need to go in relation to CCRS professional development. As one district person said in one of the focus groups “This is a tall order, but we need you all to figure out a way to do that”
Differentiated for your team – How? In the last few weeks, district contacts were sent the resources that you will use today so they could be become familiar with the content and think about how teams might use these tools today. Some of you may have brought copies with you or have them downloaded on your laptops. Another copy of the Guide is available for each team today. Ask participants to look at their Guide for PD/Transition if they have it available and say that this document can provide a differentiated approach to determining where to go next. Briefly review document Phases – pg 1 PD Standards pg 2 Table of Contents – Pg 4 Take them through Phase One as an example Then, take them to the Appendices – Absolutes, Assessment Timeline, CCRS Self Assessment, PD Planning document
Next Steps As a team, determine where you are currently in relation to the four phases – How might you do that? Then move to that section of the Guide and review Then use the Planning Tool (Appendix) to begin planning for targeted audiences. Provide draft of plan to ______________ or email to This morning you will have 1 hour to plan with your district teams and another hour this afternoon. Rad slide.
Guiding Questions for Team Planning What phase offers the most appropriate PD for your teachers and leaders? How will you organize PD to differentiate for all teachers and leaders? How will you turn training around to district teachers and leaders (what, when, where, who…)? Will PD facilitate full implementation of CCRS? How will you assess the effectiveness of the PD? Next steps? How will you monitor implementation of the CCRS? This morning you will have 1 hour to plan with your district teams and another hour this afternoon. These are some Guiding Questions that might help you think through the planning process. District contacts have these questions and more copies will be available during your team planning Staff will be available to answer questions and provide assistance, but facilitators will not be scheduled to speak or interfere with your team planning session. This time is for you and your planning!
Survey Monkey Link posted on Go to CCRS Implementation Team Resources. Look under QM#3 – Opening Session Resources Send questions or comments to Cindy Freeman CCRS Rollout Coordinator 334.353.1191 For questions or comments about this training, contact Cindy Freeman at the information on the slide. 334.353.1191