Communications using course-embedded research projects in MPG courses: Introduction to research, development of communication skills and means of programmatic assessment Darrell J. Henry Dept. of Geology and Geophysics Louisiana State University, USA
Course-embedded research projects – Potential benefits Individual student grades Introduction into culture of research Venue for developing scientific communications skills Relatively noninvasive way to address degree program learning outcomes
Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology: Class-based Petrologic Research in an Outcrop-challenged State? You need to adapt!
Pet Rock Project: 1996-present Semester-long project (Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology) integrated in fabric of course “Field experience” - random selection of rock in a box Research experience - processing pet rock sample, petrographic and analytical data acquisition, and petrologic interpretation Communication skills - professional-level written report and oral presentation
Samples – “Field work” Archean rocks from Beartooth Mtns, MT Great diversity of rocks Geologic complexity Virtual field context Field photos Google Earth
Introduction to Tools Available for Project Simple tools Optical microscopy Optical microscopy Optical CL Optical CL Advanced tools SEM imaging - BSE EDS (mineral ID), electron microprobe spot analyses and data handling
Communicating the Science How do we make the science known? CxC mission: Enhancing learning experiences for students and improving their written, spoken, visual presentation, and technological communication skills
LSU CxC Initiative – Communication- intensive certification communication for learning and for formal sharing of ideas publicly Emphases on at least 2 of the CxC components: written, spoken, visual, or technological communication Student/faculty ratio of 35:1 Genres appropriate to discipline or profession Class time spent on communication (and revision required) Faculty member involvement in evaluation 40% of course grade based on communication
Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology CI components (oral and written) Oral presentations Preparation: effective oral presentation by instructor (week 1) Volcano Presentation with feedback (week 3) Pet Rock Project Presentation – embedded research project (week 13 and 15) Written contribution Igneous Project – 5+ page paper – guidelines given with feedback (week 6-7) Pet Rock Project – 10+ page research project written in the style of a professional petrology paper (week 13 and 15)
Day-long Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology Symposium Symposium program 12 minute talk with 3 minute question period Student-moderated Student evaluated with evaluation forms used previously Professional-style oral presentation expectations Pet Rock – Speaking at the Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology Symposium
presentation elements 1. Cohesive design of background and clear, readable text 2. Effective use of space on slides 3. Appropriate use of color 4. Images are illustrative and have the correct citations 5. Use of allotted time 6. Linking ideas/transitions 7. Diction (enunciation, volume, clarity) 8. Correct usage of words/terms without misspellings/grammatical errors 9. General style, liveliness, body language 10. Appropriateness of dress for a professional presentation content expected in a professional oral presentation 11. Organization and structure of content 12. Introduction - too short/too long/just right 13. Material presented at the appropriate level of the audience 14. Relevance of data to conclusions 15. Comprehension and knowledge of field Rubric for evaluation of oral communications (instructor/students)
Components/content expected in professional geology paper 5. Title 6. Abstract 7. Introduction 8. Geologic Setting 9. Sample preparation and analytical procedures 10. Results 11. Discussion/conclusions 12. Tables 13. Acknowledgements 14. References cited 15. Appendices Practice of writing 1. Formatting requirements 2. Figures 3. Paragraph construction 4. Mechanics of writing – Grammar, spelling and punctuation Rubric for evaluation of written communications (instructor) Individual student assessment Each category weighted depending on relative importance
LSU Geology BS learning outcome: “Students will develop the ability to effectively communicate geologic concepts and material to the public and professional colleagues in written and oral formats” 2009 – Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology is designated means of assessment Transforming student scoring rubrics into degree program assessment Repurpose the individual scoring rubric to consider each category Goal: direct assessment of learning outcome Renormalize instructor scores on a 5-point basis Investigate the group statistics Develop threshold levels (and then re-examine)
Assessment results and feedback 2010 examples of information/basis for improvement