FAME & the Priority Services Outcomes Fame Launch - October 2004 Chris Haynes Local e-Government Team Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Chris Haynes Local e-Government Team Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
ODPM Update The Battleground “ Realising the benefits from our investment in e- government” projects don't just end with a 'technical' delivery and closure report do not want to you deliver a 'successful' project, only to find out later that the product or service was never used or implemented driving benefits out of a project involves working closely with the customer to ensure the product or service gets firmly adopted and embedded in the organisation
Key Points - National Projects FAME National Projects Beginning to End Priority Outcomes / NP Links Partnership Role Codename LGOne Sustainability/Productisation Demand Surge Ownership LA Consciousness Organisation FAME into All
IEG’s FAME Link to Priority Outcomes Future Perspective New Agendas (Efficiency) Confirmed for 2005, 2006Investment (last?) FAME Linked Joined Up Gov Engine FAME Starting Point
Partnerships FAME Number peaked (100+) Regional Partnerships New Networks (eGov PM and Cust Serv) Funding…. New Agendas FAME Market Focus Ownership/Customer Efficiency Money….
5 eGovernment Roles - Competencies Longer Term Perspective Professionalising JUG Standards ISU/SSU Support & Capacity FAME e-Champions e-Government Programme management Customer Services management Head of IT Heads of Service Support & Development Embed FAME Core Skills/Tools Government Connect Standards Engine….
Innovations FAME Innovation Objectives Innovation Infrastructure Innovation Culture Projects in Round 2 Round One Projects FAME - Bolt-Ons Get Thinking Match ? Innovation Framework Key Piece
Priority Outcomes FAME Opportunity Funding Growing Clarity Joined Up Service Outcome CSF for localegov Linkage FAME Buyers Options Embedding (beyond Tech.) FAME Blueprint Priority Services: Schools Community information Democratic renewal Local environment e-Procurement Payments Libraries, sports & leisure Transport Benefits Support for vulnerable people Priority Services: Schools Community information Democratic renewal Local environment e-Procurement Payments Libraries, sports & leisure Transport Benefits Support for vulnerable people Transformation: Supporting new ways of working Accessibility of services High take up of web- based transactional services Making it easy for citizens to do business with the council Transformation: Supporting new ways of working Accessibility of services High take up of web- based transactional services Making it easy for citizens to do business with the council
The Challenge for Fame Sustaining the ‘real’ agenda The FAME ‘fundamentalist’ Influencing/Directing the agenda Working Together for Better Joins Sustaining the ‘real’ agenda The FAME ‘fundamentalist’ Influencing/Directing the agenda Working Together for Better Joins
Sustaining the ‘real’ agenda The FAME ‘fundamentalist’ Positioning Fame at the heart of Joined Up Working Re-organising around FAME (Breakdown trad. silos) Go beyond process (infrastructure /organisation) Influencing/Directing the agenda Working Together for Better Joins Sustaining the ‘real’ agenda The FAME ‘fundamentalist’ Positioning Fame at the heart of Joined Up Working Re-organising around FAME (Breakdown trad. silos) Go beyond process (infrastructure /organisation) Influencing/Directing the agenda Working Together for Better Joins The Challenge for Fame
Sustaining the ‘real’ agenda The FAME ‘fundamentalist’ Influencing/Directing the agenda (target influence) Local (Service Joins) Regional (Org Joins) National (National Hubs) Working Together for Better Joins Sustaining the ‘real’ agenda The FAME ‘fundamentalist’ Influencing/Directing the agenda (target influence) Local (Service Joins) Regional (Org Joins) National (National Hubs) Working Together for Better Joins The Challenge for Fame
Sustaining the ‘real’ agenda The eGov ‘fundamentalist’ Influencing/Directing the agenda Working Together for Organisations infrastructure for joining up shared services/working steer agendas Gershon, Procurement, DirectGov Sustaining the ‘real’ agenda The eGov ‘fundamentalist’ Influencing/Directing the agenda Working Together for Organisations infrastructure for joining up shared services/working steer agendas Gershon, Procurement, DirectGov The Challenge for Fame
Government Connect A Big Opportunity Gateway Government Connect Core Extended LGOL-Net FAME ???
The FAME Challenge Maximise the Policy/Funding Opportunities Ensure Standards & Ownership Embed Consciousness Sustain Joined Up eGovernment React to Agendas But beware the Brown Nosed Gershon Fish !
Personal Reflections Belief in FAME Belief in eGovernment It is a critical time (time to deliver) Developing ‘Public Service’ Style ! Invest in FAME ‘Don’t become a hermit’
Further Information Chris Haynes - Web: Chris Haynes - Web: