DREAM HOME A house for a needy Employee 1 Corporate Sponsor – Sri Lanka Telecom Human Capital Solutions Private Limited Service Learning Faculty of Science – University of Colombo
CONTENTCONTENTCONTENTCONTENT 2 InitializingInitializingPlanningPlanningImplementingImplementing Monitoring & Controlling ResultsResults
3Introduction -Corporate Sponsor-SLT Human Capital Solutions(PVT) Ltd Academic Regulator-Faculty of Science, University of Colombo Echo Housing Concept Focuses on reducing environmental damage and pollution Improve the efficiency of using natural resources and energy Diminishing negative impacts on human health InIn
4Objectives Design a low cost house meeting the requirements of Echo House Concept and the budgetary allocation Undertake constructions and complete the house within the specified time period of three months Design a proper method to select an employee in the future projects Fulfill the requirements of the Academic Service Learning course InIn
Project Planning 5 PlPl Eliminating unnecessary features Plan improvements eg: Cost reduction methods Value addition eg: Echo House concept Plan 1 Given by the Sponsors Plan 2 Developed by the Project team
Architectural Plan 6 PlPl
Financial & Resource Planning 7 PlPl Preparation of BOQ and BOM Preparation of Cost Estimation Phase wise material order planning Contracted payments for labors
Project Team 8 ImIm Leadership Assigning duties Coordination Successful completion of duties
Reporting and Documentation 9 ImIm Preparation of Budgets – Phase wise Preparation of reports with bills and invoices Continuous updates for the mentors Presentations
Value Addition 10 ImIm Value Addition Cost Reduction Echo Housing
Supervision 11 MCMC Scheduling constructions Managing materials and labor Managing finance Assessing the progression
Process 12 MCMC First visit
Process 13 MCMC Excavation
Process 14 MCMC RubbleFoundation
Process 15 MCMC Construction
Process 16 MCMC Roof and Windows
Process 17 MCMC Inside
Dream Home 18 RR Completion
Dream Home 19 OpeningCeremony RR
Dream becomes a Reality 20 RR Planned Actual
Learning Aspects 21 Architectural other technical knowledge Project management and Interpersonal skills Management of finance Real life experience
Project Team 22
Thank You !!! 23