Backyard Birds of Sumter County
So, what do you need?
Alabama Birds Checklist of Alabama Birds - Geographical & Seasonal Distribution Alabama Ornithological Society
Mourning dove
Eurasian collared dove
Rock dove
Common nighthawk
Ruby-throated hummingbird
Yellow-shafted flicker
Red-bellied woodpecker
Red-headed woodpecker
Blue jay
American crow
Carolina wren
Northern mockingbird
Brown thrasher
American robin
Eastern bluebird
Loggerhead shrike
Red-winged blackbird
Brown-headed cowbird
Northern cardinal
Black-capped chickadee
House finch
American goldfinch
Turkey vulture – Cathartes aura
Turkey vulture in flight
Black vulture – Coragyps atratus
Black vulture in flight
Vultures (two black, one turkey) feeding on carrion.
Where to Look: Your backyard, especially with some feeders. Walk the loop in the morning. Walk the banks of Lake LU Take a road trip. Watch power lines and trees. Stay at it, and keep a list.
Rosebreasted grosbreak
Scarlet tanager
Snowy egret
Wood duck
Mississippi kite
Swallow-tailed kite
Barn owl
Field Zoology Bird Page