Inducting Architectural and Built Environment students into a new world Helen Farrell
Induction Step 1 Coordinator: Ann Quinlan 15 Tutors LC Advisor BENV 1080: Enabling Skills and Research Practice First semester core course Commenced 2008
Induction Step 2 Program Director Ann Quinlan Literacy Lecturer Helen Farrell BE Tutors Heleana Genaus Dodie Mc Menamin BE Guest Lecturer Meeray Ghaly BENV1082: Built Environment Literacy Second semester elective course Commenced 2009 Participants 2011: Architectural Studies Landscape Architecture Interior Architecture Planning Construction Management and Property
Built Environment Literacy Speaking Listening Reading Writing reflections summaries critiques reports pairs small groups large groups oral presentations Themes: shopping centres indigenous housing key concepts
Strengths Think Read Write BE Integration Contextualised Complementary skills
Innovative Assessment tasks Embedded academic literacy Course for credit Integration with other core courses Curriculum design Multiple means of representation
Introduction to Portfolio An important aspect of any project is the way we approach it. In particular how we think in relation to the precedent. How the precedent and our thoughts affect our overall design. How we reflect on our own designs and the feedback we receive, to further enhance our understanding and how we evaluate this reflection to further improve our approach, our design and more importantly our ways of learning and being professional architects. This portfolio is my attempt to think about how and what I’ve learnt about myself, the way I learn, the way I approach my studies and how I design. It also reflects on past projects and an overall evaluation of this course in relation to my understanding as a BE student. Think Design Reflect Evaluate
Results 2011
Copyright 2008 d Organisational ‘Isolation’ from parallel course conveners Harmonising assessment dates Student uptake Academically diverse students Academic progress Provision of further academic support Previous educational experience Frustrations
‘Course is too short- due to the short period of time practising writing and presentation strategies, it is very hard to make what I learned a habit Discussion was not useful as most did not contribute There was an amazing level of weekly feedback’ Excellent and supportive teaching staff who are more than willing to help and continually boost confidence It relates to every other course and is a chance to reflect on my learning As a result of doing this course my confidence with academic and visual literacy have increased substantially
Thoughts for future iterations Future plans in response to feedback: Reading circles Increase in class writing time Wiki more central to the course Peer assessment Maintain professional collaborations
Thank you Readings: Baik, C., & Grieg, J. (2009). Improving academic outcomes of undergraduate ESL students: the case for discipline-based academic skills programs. Higher Education Research and Development 28(4), Kumar, M., & Ang, S. (2008). Transitional issues of induction into design education for international undergraduate students: A case study analysis of Architecture. Journal of Education in the Built Environment 3(2),