WS Mar120 - Patran Day 1 Overview - Meshing n Objectives u Apply a non-uniform mesh seed near a critical section of the model. u Apply a global mesh to the seeded model. u Apply material and element properties. Workshop 2 – Introduction to MSC.Patran
WS Mar120 - Patran Day 1 Overview - Meshing n Model Description u In this exercise you will define a finite element mesh for the Clevis model you developed earlier. You will use mesh seeding to create a refined mesh with a higher mesh density near the bottom of the hole where you will apply a force load in a future exercise. Workshop 2 – Introduction to MSC.Patran
WS Mar120 - Patran Day 1 Overview - Meshing Workshop 2 – Introduction to MSC.Patran n Suggested Exercise Steps 1.Open up a database. 2.Create a view. 3.Create mesh seed. 4.Create mesh and equivalence. 5.Create materials. 6.Create properties. 7.End the exercise.
WS Mar120 - Patran Day 1 Overview - Meshing Step 1. Open Up a Database Create a database named clevis.db. a.File / Open…. b.Select clevis.db for the Database List. c.Click OK. a b c
WS Mar120 - Patran Day 1 Overview - Meshing Step 2. Create a View Create a named view of the lower half of the clevis hole. First zoom in on the lower half of the hole using the toolbar icon. a.Click View Corners then select the region as shown. b.Viewing / Named view Options…. c.Click Create View. d.Enter My_View as Create New View. e.Click Apply. f.Click Close. a b c f d e Since this is a region where both the mesh seeds and load will be applied for this model, it only seems fitting that we create a named view of this region to use when we need it.
WS Mar120 - Patran Day 1 Overview - Meshing g f Step 3. Create Mesh Seed Lay a biased mesh seed across the bottom half of the hole. a.Elements: Create / Mesh Seed / One Way Bias. b.Select Num Elems and L2/L1. c.Enter 6 as Number. d.Enter 2 as L1/L1. e.Select the two edges as shown in the figure for Curve List. f.Enter –2 as L2/L1. g.Select the two edges as shown in the figure for Curve List. e e d c b a g
WS Mar120 - Patran Day 1 Overview - Meshing Step 4. Create Mesh and Equivalence Mesh the entire solid, and equivalence the nodes. a.Click Fit View. b.Create / Mesh / Solid. c.Select Hex for Elem Shape. d.Select IsoMesh for Mesher. e.Uncheck Automatic Calculation. f.Enter 0.5 as Value. g.Select all solids for Solid List. h.Click Apply. b h g f e d c a g
WS Mar120 - Patran Day 1 Overview - Meshing Step 4. Create Mesh and Equivalence (Cont.) a.Equivalence / All / Tolerance Cube. b.Click Apply. a b
WS Mar120 - Patran Day 1 Overview - Meshing Step 5. Create Materials Create an Isotropic material, named Steel, which uses a Linear Elastic Constitutive Model. The material’s Elastic Modulus and Poisson’s ratio are 30E6 and 0.30, respectively. a.Materials: Create / Isotropic / Manual Input. b.Enter Steel as Material Name. c.Click Input Properties…. d.Enter 30E6 as Elastic Modulus. e.Enter 0.3 as Poisson ratio. f.Click Ok. g.Click Apply. f e d a b c g
WS Mar120 - Patran Day 1 Overview - Meshing Step 6. Create Properties Create a 3D element property called steel_solid_elements, which includes the defined material steel. a.Properties: Create / 3D / Solid. b.Enter steel_solid_elements as Property Set Name. c.Click Input Properties…. d.Click Mat Prop Name icon. e.Select Steel for Select Existing Material. f.Click Ok. g.Select all solids for Select Members. h.Click Add. i.Click Apply. f d i h c g b a e
WS Mar120 - Patran Day 1 Overview - Meshing Step 7. End the Exercise You have now created a finite element mesh for the clevis model, including material and element property definitions. Close the database. a.File / Close. a