28 October 2008CIS 340 # 1 Topics To define XML as a technology To place XML in the context of system architectures Online support: Online community: Standards development: open.org/committees/committees.php#completed
28 October 2008CIS 340 # 2 Spectrum of “Technologies” XPATH DTD XSD XML XSL XSLT XSL-FO XFORMS XLINK XQUERY XPOINTER
XML XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. XML is designed to transport and store data. XML is important to know, and very easy to learn. 28 October 2008CIS 340 # 3
28 October 2008CIS 340 # 4 XML... Is a syntax for describing data –Almost any data Produces “vocabularies” –Anyone can produce an individualized vocabulary –Sharing the vocabulary enables the sharing of data Organizational hub –
28 October 2008CIS 340 # 5 XML History Shares similar historical roots with HTML Part of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language – 1970s) describes how to renderHTML describes how to render information via a browser –“rendering” options are fixed via the language –Display potential fixed via the selected output technology HTML limitation? use » Interpretation after transmission (e.g. use) requires human intervention
28 October 2008CIS 340 # 6 XML History (p. 2) XML enables human bypass XML offers self-descriptive labels equating to interpretation XML provides “meta information” If XML used, Company B can: Have programs manipulate data Import data directly to database Store immediately within similar, affiliated documents Manipulate data for specific needs continues.... COMPANY A COMPANY BFINANCIAL.rpt A-WEB
28 October 2008CIS 340 # 7 Vocabularies Collection of elements Not predefined vocabularyBut related into a structure vocabulary “Instance of”“Instance of” XML documentDef:
28 October 2008CIS 340 # 8 Sample Defined Vocabularies (in progress) Accounting XML Advertising XML Astronomy XML Building XML Chemistry XML Construction XML Education XML Food XML Finance XML Government XML Healthcare XML Human Resources XML Instruments XML Insurance XML Legal XML Manufacturing XML News XML Photo XML Physics XML Publishing XML Real Estate XML Telecommunications XML Travel XML
28 October 2008CIS 340 # 9 EX: Address Vocabulary Contents of the files?.../xml/...
28 October 2008CIS 340 # 10 XML Document Prolog –(optional) –Describes the xml- specification –Declares the document type (DTD) Body –(required) –collection of instantiated vocabulary terms Epilog –(optional) –processing or comments Golden Phoenix J. K. Rowling Mythical Work E. Yourdan
28 October 2008CIS 340 # 11 Schemas »Document Type Definition (DTD) »XML Schema Definition (XSD) Offers the legal structure of the elements of a vocabulary Enables the programmatic access of an XML “document” Meaning? Declare element types Qualify elements with attributes Define parent-child relationships Assign simple data types Establish validation basis for data acceptance
DTD 28 October 2008CIS 340 # 12 !DOCTYPE note defines that the root element of this document is note !ELEMENT note defines that the note element contains four elements: to,from,heading,body" !ELEMENT to defines the to element to be of type "#PCDATA" !ELEMENT from defines the from element to be of type "#PCDATA" !ELEMENT heading defines the heading element to be of type "#PCDATA" !ELEMENT body defines the body element to be of type "#PCDATA"
28 October 2008CIS 340 # 13 EX: DTD Specification <!DOCTYPE book [ ]>
EX: XSD Specification (see p. 29) address example <xsd:enumeration value = “Fiction”/> <xsd:enumeration value = “Non-Fiction”/>
28 October 2008CIS 340 # 15 XQUERY... FLWR (“flower”) Query language aka SQL Designed for XML documents Allows for logic to be used to access embedded information of XML documents
28 October 2008CIS 340 # 16 XQUERY... FLWR (“flower”) FLWR :: For Let Where Return General versions: for Variable in Exp where Exp return Exp sortby(Exp) let Variable := Exp where Exp return Exp sortby(Exp) for $x in document (“books.xml”) // book where $x/author = “J. K. Rowling” return $x/title gives Golden Phoenix gives Golden Phoenix
28 October 2008CIS 340 # 17 Connective Languages XSLT XML S L TXML Stylesheet Language Transformations Mechanism for taking XML documents to different output renditions XPATH Collection of “utility functions” Enables the parsing and traversing of XML structures Required mechanism for XSLT and XQUERY Not defined via an XML-compliant syntax Most XML languages are
28 October 2008CIS 340 # 18 Highlights