GEOG 2RC3 Assignment Guidelines Dr. Walter Peace Winter 2013
GEOG 2RC3 Assignment
Regional Issues 1.Select one of the three regional issues. 2.Sources: text; at least 2 academic sources; and at least 1 other source 3.Write a brief to the Prime Minister which: summarizes the issue (1 page); and addresses the question(s) posed for your issue (2 – 3 pages).
GEOG 2RC3 Assignment General Guidelines 1. Length: 3 – 4 pages (750 – 1000 words) 2. Double-spaced; 12 point font; one inch margins; one side only 3. Formal style – proper sentences and proper paragraphs 4.Subheadings are strongly encouraged
GEOG 2RC3 Assignment 5. Introduction – concise statement of purpose; introduce topic; 4 – 5 sentences 6. Body – follow instructions above; be sure to answer the question(s) posed in the assignment 7. Conclusion – concise re-statement of topic and your main findings; 4 – 5 sentences
GEOG 2RC3 Assignment The Finer Points Avoid using first person pronouns Formal style – proper sentences; proper paragraphs; subheadings Paragraph length – avoid very short (1 – 2 sentences) and very long (> 1 page) paragraphs Number the pages
GEOG 2RC3 Assignment Referencing In-text citations (Author, date, page) What to reference? 1. Direct quotes : “Canada is best understood from a regional perspective.” (Bone, 2005, 3) 2. Specific facts/figures: According to Bone (2005,24) more than 60 percent of Canadians live in Ontario and Quebec.
GEOG 2RC3 Assignment 3. General reference to a book/source: Among the recent books dealing with Canada’s regional geography are Bone (2011), and Warkentin (1999). ONLY those sources to which you refer in your paper should be included in the bibliography.
GEOG 2RC3 Assignment Annotated Bibliography Rybczynski, W City Life: Urban Expectations in a New World Scribner, New York. An examination of city living in the wake of innovations such as the skyscraper, the automobile, and telecommunications. Using examples from around the world, this book explores how and why cities differ from one another and why these differences matter.
GEOG 2RC3 Annotated Bibliography For each entry in your bibliography, cite all relevant bibliographic information (book - author, year, title, publisher, place of publication; article – author, year, article title, journal, vol., no., pages) as well as a 4-5 sentence description of the relevance of the book/article to your paper
GEOG 2RC3 Assignment Details regarding submission of the assignment will be posted on Avenue.
GEOG 2RC3 Assignment Your title page should have the following information: A meaningful/relevant title Your name Your student number The course code The instructor’s name The date
GEOG 2RC3 Assignment Additional information: Due date 15 February 2013; 4:00 p.m. Late penalty = 10% per day
GEOG 2RC3 Assignment Please adhere to the rules, guidelines and spirit of the McMaster Senate Policy on Academic Integrity I will gladly answer questions about the assignment in class or by . I cannot reply to s sent from Avenue.