Introduction to MS Word Surrey Services for Seniors
Objectives After finishing this unit you will be able to: Open Microsoft WordOpen Microsoft Word Open a new documentOpen a new document Use the scroll bar to navigate the screenUse the scroll bar to navigate the screen Write short letters and articlesWrite short letters and articles Move the cursor within your documentMove the cursor within your document Make corrections and changes to your textMake corrections and changes to your text Change the format and font in your documentChange the format and font in your document
Objectives After finishing this unit you will be able to: Use the scroll bar to look at portions of your document not shown on the screenUse the scroll bar to look at portions of your document not shown on the screen Use Spell Check to correct spellingUse Spell Check to correct spelling Print your document.Print your document. Save Your DocumentSave Your Document Change the format, color and alignment of your textChange the format, color and alignment of your text Use Cut, Copy and Paste to edit your documentsUse Cut, Copy and Paste to edit your documents Trouble shoot common problemsTrouble shoot common problems Recognize common terms associated with the computer and its functions.Recognize common terms associated with the computer and its functions.
The Word Screen
The Keyboard Backspace EscapeF-Keys CTRLALTShiftEnterNumeric Keypad
Removing Pop-Up Menus Sometimes you will depress the right mouse by mistake or you will click on a sensitive portion of the screen. A pop up menu may appear similar to the one shown at right. Sometimes you will depress the right mouse by mistake or you will click on a sensitive portion of the screen. A pop up menu may appear similar to the one shown at right. To remove a Pop-up Menu from the screen, click once on blank space on your screen. The Pop- up Menu will disappear. To remove a Pop-up Menu from the screen, click once on blank space on your screen. The Pop- up Menu will disappear. Alternately, you can simply tap the “Escape” key. Alternately, you can simply tap the “Escape” key.
Removing Dialogue Boxes Dialog boxes, like the one pictured below, appear on the screen when the computer needs you to make a decision. You will need to respond to the question asked before the computer can go on, or close the dialog box and return to your previous action. To remove the dialog box either: –Answer the question; or –Click on the X in the upper right hand corner of the dialog box to return to your previous action
MS Word Basics Opening Microsoft Word –Click once on the Microsoft Word icon on your desktop. That icon will be highlighted (change color). –Depress the Enter Key on your keyboard. A blank Microsoft Word document will appear. Closing Microsoft Word Without Saving –Left click on the small X in the upper right hand corner of your screen. A Dialog Box, similar to the one shown on the previous page, will appear asking whether you want to save your document. –Left click “No” (Microsoft Word will close without saving your document. We will discuss how to save your document later in the program.
Entering Blank Lines Depress the ENTER key several times to enter blank lines at the top of your document. If you have editing marks turned on, each time you press ENTER a paragraph sign will appear on the screen to indicate you gave a command to the computer to enter a blank line. TIP: Sometimes when you depress the Enter Key you will enter more blank lines in your document than you want. You can eliminate these spaces by depressing the Delete Key at the beginning of the blank line or pressing backspace at the end of the blank line – it makes no difference which.
MS Word Basics (Cont.) Beginning a New Paragraph. –To begin a new paragraph press the ENTER key once; to create extra space between paragraphs, press the ENTER key twice to insert a blank paragraph in your document. Indenting –To indent at the beginning of a paragraph, depress the TAB key. An arrow at the beginning of your paragraph will indicate that you have depressed the TAB key to indent. –Note: If you decide you don't want to indent or by mistake you indented more than you meant to, you may erase the indent by depressing BACKSPACE.
Moving the (Blinking) Cursor to a New Location The location of the cursor indicates the point at which you may enter information or make a change to your document. Usually the cursor will be located just at the end of the last word you typed. If you want to make a correction, or change in your document at some other location, you must first move the cursor to that location. There are two ways to do this.
Making A Correction Using the I-Beam and Mouse –Using the mouse, place the I-Beam at the location where you want to make a change. Be precise. –Left click the mouse. The cursor will move to that same location. Using the Arrow Keys –Use the ARROW KEYS ( ) to move the cursor to the point where a correction needs to be made. Note: Your document is defined by the area on which you have keyed characters or inserted spaces. You can only move the cursor to a location within your document.
More Word Basics Making a Correction or Addition within Your Document –Using either the I-Beam or mouse, or the ARROW keys, move the cursor to the location at which you wish to make a change. To Erase an error: –Use the BACKSPACE if the error is to the left (or in back) of the cursor –Use the DELETE key if the error is to the right (or in front) o the cursor, –Add words or punctuation as required. (Word will make room for your addition).
Using the Scroll Bar As you develop longer documents or use or the Internet, you will need to use the scroll bar to scroll down or up to review parts of your document that are off the screen. You will usually be using the Vertical Scroll Bar to move down or up vertically. However, there is also a Horizontal Scroll Bar, which will let you see different parts of your document that may be too wide for the screen. Vertical Scroll Bar Horizontal Scroll Bar
Scrolling Scrolling Up in Your Document –Locate the Vertical Scroll Bar on the right side of your screen. –Place the Mouse Pointer on the Up Arrow at the top of the Vertical Scroll Bar. –Hold the left mouse down until the Vertical Scroll Bar returns to the beginning of your document. Scrolling Down in Your Document –Locate the Down Arrow at the bottom of the Vertical Scroll Bar. –Place the Mouse Pointer on the Down Arrow. –Hold the left mouse down until you reach the end of your document. Note: Your document is defined by the area on which you have keyed characters or inserted spaces. You can only move the cursor to a location within your document.