Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) 1 2/24/2009Reunión de Gestión de Recursos de la OEA, primer trimestre1 Inter-American Telecommunication Commission Annual Report for 2008 Secretariat of CITEL April 29, 2009
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) 2 Advisory organization of the OAS, specialized in telecommunications. Leading forum in the Hemisphere where governments and the private sector meet to work together and achieve common objectives in the telecommunications area by exchanging experiences and building a knowledge base in the Americas region. CITEL’s work approach emphasizes: o Collaboration/coordination with regional/international telecommunication organizations, lending institutions, and development agencies o Training on telecommunications for government officials and private sector executives o Promotion of the achievement of common positions o Determination of telecommunication priorities in the region CITEL
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) 3 Organization Permanent Executive Committee (COM/CITEL) PCC.I Telecommunications PCC.II Radiocommunications including Broadcasting Secretariat Steering Committee Conference Preparatory Working Group P: Costa Rica VP: Mexico Members: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Peru, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela ASSEMBLY OF CITEL P: Argentina VP: Brazil, Dominican Republic P: Venezuela VP: Uruguay P: Ecuador VP: Canada, Barbados, Brazil, Mexico, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Member States Member States and Associate Members SG/OAS
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) 4 We are surrounded by technology ICTs Automotive industry and Manufact. Automotive industry and Manufact. Home/ workplace Home/ workplace Stores and services Energy/ electricity Energy/ electricity Water/sanitation Oil and gas Health Banking and finance Transportation /air traffic control Public security/ law enforcement Public security/ law enforcement National defense Education Life sciences and biotechnology Life sciences and biotechnology Source: PCC.I
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) 5 Communications now comes in many formats, and innovation continues ■ Next generation networks ■ Voice over IP ■ Peer to Peer ■ GPS ■ WiFi/Wi-Max ■ Mesh networks ■ 3G - 4G and later ■ Ultra Wide Band (UWB) ■ Power Line Communications (PLC) ■ Software Defined Radio (SDR) ■ RFID ■ New satellites ■ Digital Sound Broadcasting ■ Internet Protocol TV/IP-TV ■ Digital television ■ Video on demand ■ Grid Computing ■ Quantum Computing ■ Bio Computing ■ Nanotechnology ■ Tele-health ■ Tele-education... Next generation applications Access any time anywhere Source: IX Meeting of PCC.I
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) 6 Growth of the Information Society Source: ITU Notes: Internet user data (ITU), 2006 estimated (Internet World Statistics) Source: CCP.I/1250/08
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) 7 Elements impacting the change in the network Network convergence; Distributed intelligence; New environment Users Providers Sellers Communications networks are undergoing many changes to meet market demands Policy Regulation Strategies to promote competition Government Network simplification Lower operating costs Competition Rapid introduction of services and personalization Entry of new services New products New markets New income Lower service charges Multimedia services Greater data traffic Mobility Source: PCC.I
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) CITEL acts in six main work areas Regional and international cooperation 5 Training 4 3 Coordination of policy and regulation Technical harmonization Procedural aspects Dissemination of information Cyber security Agenda for Connectivity ITU conferences Spectrum Technical standards Licenses Equipment certification Priorities: New services, administrative policies Knowledge transfer Publications, web page, Electronic Forum
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) 9 1.Coordination of policy and regulation 2008 results: ■Connectivity: Support for bridging the digital divide ■Regulatory aspects of convergence ■Fraud in telecommunication service provision in the region [WORKSHOP] ■Practical cases of the application and use of regulatory accounting ■Government policies and experience of ccTLD and address bloc administration ■Cyber security ■Adoption of the complete version of the Yellow Book on procedures for conformity assessment of telecommunication products in the Americas ■IPv4 to IPv6 transition ■Network interconnection guidelines Corporate Video PSTN Services Wireless Voice WWW IP Broadcasting Notable aspects of the program for 2009: ■Analysis of convergence policies ■Promotion of the OAS cyber security strategy ■Establishment of emergency telecommunication work plans ■Use of satellite systems for public protection and rescue operations
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) 10 2.Technical harmonization 2008 results: ■Update and analysis of: oCommunication on aspects of Power Line Communications (PLC) technology oProtection of critical telecommunications infrastructure oNumber portability [WORKSHOP] oInternet Protocol TV (IPTV) oInternational Emergency Preference Scheme (IEPS) for disaster response oEmergency Telecommunications Service (ETS) oInterconnection framework for national implementations of ETS oFixed satellite service [WORKSHOP] Notable aspects of the program for 2009: ■Coordination of technical standards in the region’s priority areas ■Radio spectrum harmonization: oAnalysis of the operation of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) oFrequencies available for emergencies oTheory and application of cognitive or intelligent radio equipment oRelocation of the 700 MHz band oBroadband wireless access systems and technique (MIMO) ■Number portability
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) 11 3.Procedural aspects 2008 results: ■Procedures for the IPv4 to IPv6 transition ■International roaming [WORKSHOP] ■Situation of generic or bloc licensing of earth stations ■Preparation of mechanisms to resolve cases of harmful interference of satellite systems and guidelines to facilitate the installation of integrated systems in the Americas ■Update of information on procedures for the transition from analogue to digital television Notable aspects of the program for 2009: ■Aspects of satellite system regulation ■Best practices and cases of next generation networks ■IP address bloc administration ■Procedures to be utilized for the authorization of Earth stations on board vessels (ESV)
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) 12 4.Training 2008 results: ■Regular budget + Professional Development Scholarships Program: 196 scholarships 24 courses 27 countries benefited Preliminary program for 2009: ■Regular budget 310 scholarships offered 26 courses (18 distance education and 8 attendance- based) ■8 applications submitted to the Professional Development Program
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) 13 5.Regional and international coordination 2008 results: ■Preparatory meeting and nine working sessions during the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-08) ■Presentation of 40 inter-American proposals to WTSA-08 ■Launch of preparations for the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-10) ■Launch of preparations for the Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-10) Preliminary program for 2009: ■Review of work to be done based on the outcomes of WTSA-08. ■Preparatory meeting for WTDC-10 (August 2009, San José, Costa Rica)
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) 14 6.Dissemination of information 2008 results: ■Joint CITEL/IDB Workshop (IIRSA) on International Roaming (Washington, D.C., United States of America, March 11, 2008) ■Joint ITU/CITEL Forum: “Enabling an ICT Business Environment in the Americas Region” (Washington, D.C., United States of America, April 21, 2008) ■Third Workshop on state and operator tools for user protection to minimize the impact of fraud (Puerto Iguazu, Misiones, Argentina, August 6, 2008) ■Seminar to Share Regional Experiences and/or Models of the Implementation of Number Portability in the Americas (Puerto Iguazu, Misiones, Argentina, August 7, 2008) ■Seminar on the Fixed Satellite Service (Mar del Plata, Argentina, September 15, 2008) ■Publication of Preliminary program for 2009: 4 seminars/workshops
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) 15 Quantifiable results in 2008 ITEMRESULTS Number of meetings organized by CITEL17 Number of participants in meetings694 Number of documents processed in meetings of CITEL in 20081,855 Number of resolutions adopted by the Committees33 Number of recommendations adopted by the Committees4 Number of decisions adopted by the Committees42 Number of seminars and workshops conducted by the Committees5 Number of telecommunication distance education courses in CITEL’s program in Number of attendance-based telecommunication courses in CITEL’s program in Number of scholarships utilized by CITEL in Number of Associate Members as of December 31, Number of Regional Training Centers in Number of cooperation agreements signed as of December 31, Number of meetings scheduled for Number of distance education courses scheduled for Number of attendance-based courses scheduled for 20098
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) 16 Addressing the crisis: the impact of ICTs ■ Information and communication technologies (ICTs) can help the member states during this crisis, not only as a key sector in themselves, but also by promoting economic growth, productivity, and efficiency. ■ ICTs are based on innovation and creativity and can even promote the emergence of new technologies and services.
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) 17 Sources of financing of CITEL Distribution of costs of CITEL in 2008 Regular Fund: Staff salaries Regular Fund: Administrative costs Specific funds (US$) Regular Fund Specific funds
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) Schedule of CITEL MeetingDatePlace WORKSHOP ON ROAMING4 May 2009Cuzco, Peru XIV Meeting of PCC.I5-8 May 2009Cuzco, Peru 20/20 SPECTRUM SEMINAR1 June 2009Ottawa, Canada XIII Meeting of PCC.II2-5 June 2009Ottawa, Canada XIII Meeting of the Steering Committee (STE)July 2009 Via videoconference or Internet conference XVI Meeting of the Working Group for the Preparation of CITEL for Regional and World Radiocommunication Conferences 11 August 2009San José, Costa Rica SEMINAR ON REGIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND INTERCONNECTION28 September 2009To be decided XV Meeting of PCC.I29 September to 2 October 2009 To be decided XXIII Meeting of the Working Group to Prepare for the Meetings of the ITU Council October 2009Geneva, Switzerland WORKSHOP ON THE MANAGEMENT AND APPLICATION OF APPENDIX 30B OF THE ITU RADIOCOMMUNICATION REGULATIONS 9 November 2009Washington, D.C., USA XIV Meeting of PCC.II November 2009 Washington, D.C., USA XXI Meeting of COM/CITEL1-4 December 2009San José, Costa Rica XXIV Meeting of the Working Group to Prepare for the Meetings of the ITU Council 1-4 December 2009San José, Costa Rica XVII Meeting of the Working Group for the Preparation of CITEL for Regional and World Radiocommunication Conferences 1-4 December 2009San José, Costa Rica
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) , a year of many activities for CITEL V Meeting of the Assembly of CITEL ■Inter-American forum where the highest telecommunication authorities of the Member States may exchange views and experiences, taking appropriate decisions to direct their activity toward fulfilling the objectives and mandates assigned ■Mexico City, Mexico, first quarter 2010 ■Please participate
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) 20 For any questions, please contact: Clovis Baptista Executive Secretary of CITEL Tel: (202) Thank you very much for your attention