CEO Forum Rome 20036/7 th November Cap Gemini Study: An Update Bernt Nilsen CEO ECDL Norway
CEO Forum Rome 20036/7 th November Contents Background History, surveys 1996, 2000 and 2001 Results Norway Historical trend Results Finland Comparison results Norway and Finland Calculator – calculation of effect Future plans
CEO Forum Rome 20036/7 th November Background - 1 Based on several studies in Norway and Sweden by Cap Gemini Ernst & Young Assumption that waste of time will be reduced with the spread of wysiwig and increased use of computers Intended to provide an indication of the extent of computer problems among the parts of the Norwegian population that work with computers every day
CEO Forum Rome 20036/7 th November Background - 2 ECDL Norway actively promoting the results of this study Important to shift focus from HW and network connections to the actual use of computers Government statistics always on HW Challenged Erkki Liikanen in Oslo
CEO Forum Rome 20036/7 th November Surveys 1996, 2000 and 2001 Important to document trends Small change in method Important to use the same questions to get comparative results
CEO Forum Rome 20036/7 th November Results Norway
CEO Forum Rome 20036/7 th November Time lost Average time spent on their own and others IT problem is –136 hours per person pr year (2 hrs 51 min every week)
CEO Forum Rome 20036/7 th November 90% 88% 79% 45% 33% 30% 19% Word Processing /Calendar Internet Internal Systems Project Mgmt Admin/Personnel Others 0%20%40%60%80%100% Tall i % av base When using a PC, which of the following applications do you work with?
CEO Forum Rome 20036/7 th November How much time do you spend on… 38min 22min 17min 16min 14min 13min 12min 11min 6min 171min Helping others Waiting for feedback from support Access to Internal systems Other problems Access to databases Internet Access Access and problems Access to WP, SS etc Virus problems Total 0min50min100min150min200min Average 2001 Printing Problems
CEO Forum Rome 20036/7 th November What are you helping others with….. 52% 18% 14% 13% 12% 1% 25% WP / SS / others Internal systems Access and problems Printing problems Internet Access 0%10%20%30%40%50%60% Tall i % av base 800 Access to databases Virus problems Waiting for feedback from support Other problems
CEO Forum Rome 20036/7 th November Where can you get help? 83% 73% 44% 35% 30% 4% 1% Internal support. Colleagues Outside helpdesk. Support from SW supplier. Support from HW supplier Other No alternative 0%20%40%60%80%100% Wasted time x 2!
CEO Forum Rome 20036/7 th November The role of ECDL Project Manager for the ICT cost study Øyvind Gladsø says - ECDL is a tool for reducing cost - ECDL should be a requirement for the PC-user - Needs to be mandatory for all users, including managers
CEO Forum Rome 20036/7 th November Historical trend Average time spent on their own and others IT problem is –136 hours per person pr year (2 hrs 51 min every week) –Year 2000: 119 hrs –Year 1996: 125 hours
CEO Forum Rome 20036/7 th November Results Finland
Problems with Using Information Technology at Finnish Workplaces
Summary Background of the study Summary Observations Principal findings
Background of the study Study consists of 502 respondents. The research was accomplished by CGE&Y’s and Finnish Information Processing Association's assignment. Survey was carried out during May-June 2003 by TNS Gallup. Target group was in companies that employs more than 50 persons. The study executed nation-wide by using telephone interviews. Survey’s error marginal is +- 4,5 % TAUSTAA
According to external study´s, using computers is extensive in Finnish business life. Source: European Third European Survey on working conditions 1996, 2000, Statistics Finland, Tietoyhteiskunnan kehkeytyminen, 2003/3 TAUSTAA
Summary In today’s work organisation, using a computer is a prerequisite to successfully carrying out one´s work. –Problems strongly contribute to the dissatisfaction of employees –Training for using software has been given only partially The efficiency of Finnish companies is compromised due to problems with information technology –Dysfunctional information technology causes interruptions in business processes. Eight (8) per cent of the total working time of a Finnish employee is spent on problems caused by information technology –Helping one another and problems with Business applications take up a considerable part of the working time. Finnish medium and large-sized enterprises (more than 50 employees) lose nearly 30,500 man-years annually due to problems with information technology The cost to the national economy of problems caused by information technology is over € 2,700 million.
KESKEISET TULOKSET - YKSILÖN NÄKÖKULMA 8 % of the total working time of a Finnish employee is spent on problems caused by information technology Source: CGE&Y, Problems with Using Information Technology at Finnish Workplaces,
Assumptions for calculation IT-problems causes annually the lost of nearly man-years to Finnish medium and large-size enterprises (more than 50 employees) In 2001 there were companies in Finland that had over 50 employees (Statistics Finland) These companies employed all together people (Statistics Finland) 51 % of employees spent more than a quarter (1/4) of their working hours for using computers (Third European survey on working conditions 2000). In medium and large-size enterprises this equals persons. 8 % of employees working hours is spent to IT-problems. This equals man-years. Source: StatFin: Yritykset henkilöstön suuruusluokittain 2001, Yritystiedot vuodelta 2001, CGE&Y, Problems with Using Information Technology at Finnish Workplaces, 2003 KESKEISET TULOKSET - YRITYKSEN NÄKÖKULMA
Assumptions for calculation IT-related problems amount to cost item of nearly 2,7 Euros for the national economy 51 % of the employees spent more than ¼ of their working time with computers (Third European survey on Working Conditions 2000) 8 % of users above work is spent to IT-problems. Source: : Statistics Finland, Kansantalouden tilinpito 2001, CGE&Y, Problems with Using Information Technology at Finnish Workplaces, 2003 KESKEISET TULOKSET - KANSANTALOUDEN NÄKÖKULMA 4 % 2,73 Total salary expenses in national economy were million € in Share of problem-related expenses in total salary expenses (% and € billion)
CEO Forum Rome 20036/7 th November Comparison Norway Finland -1 SubjectNorwayFinland PC use46% use PC at work51% use PC more than 1/4 Spend more than ¼ of working hours using PCs 88%51% Waste of time due to IT problems 171 minutes pr week 164 minutes Time spent helping others38 minutes52 minutes National cost4,400 million Euros2,700 million Euros ( man years wasted by companies more than 50 employees) Do you believe training could increase your job efficiency 26%20% says yes
CEO Forum Rome 20036/7 th November Comparison Norway Finland -2
CEO Forum Rome 20036/7 th November Calculator Easy, very illustrative way to show the use of ECDL Based on Cap-study numbers you can calculate the savings for an organisation by using ECDL the first year…
CEO Forum Rome 20036/7 th November Future plans New study in Norway December 2003 UK, Ireland plan to join We would like more countries to join…. Norwegian study on PC use at home done by Ministry of trade and industry –67 % have a PC at home – 7 % does not use it –44 % have had serious problems with the PC the last six months, 22% last month –50% say they have similar problems at work
CEO Forum Rome 20036/7 th November Contact Details Bernt Nilsen ECDL Norway, Datakortet a.s, P.O. Box 233 N-9915 Kirkenes Ph: +47 (0) Fax: +47 (0)