CommitteeStateDistrictMandal ChairmanMinister Rural DevelopmentDistrict CollectorPresident, Mandal Parishad Vice ChairmanPrl. Secretary RD__ ConvenerCommissioner, APARDProject Director, DWMA Mandal Parishad Development Officer MemberCommissioner, RDProject Director, DRDA Tahsildar MemberCommissioner, PRCEO, Zilla ParishadAEE, PR MemberSPD, Water and SanitationDM HousingAEE, RWS MemberE-N-C-RWSSE RWSAgricultural Officer MemberE-N-C-PRSE PRLine Department Officials MemberDirector, DDKED SC Corporation MemberDirector, Field PublicityLine Dept. Functionaries, PIB, AIR, Field Publicity, DD, NGOs etc
IEC Activities Intensive Training to All Functionaries Elected Representatives Distance Education Modes-Satellite TV/DDK/Commercial Channels/AIR Community RadioPartnership with NGOs
IEC on Various RD Flagship ProgrammesMG NREGS-Social AuditDecentralised PlanningSolid and Liquid Waste Management Natural Resource Management-Watershed Management Revitalisation of Gramsabha
Gram RathKalajathas Awareness through print and Electronic Media Cascade Plus-FAQs M & e learning Exposure to Best Practices Case Study Approach to teaching PRA, PLA Techniques
Material Development Hand bills Wall Writings Wall Hangings Flip Charts Illustrated Books CBTs Video Films FAQs
Issue letter to District CollectorIssued Identification of nodal persons in each department State Govt. issued a G.O on 23 rd Aug BDO to be the Chief Block Coordinator Initiation meeting with stakeholders at the block level to be chaired by DC Second Week of September TNA, Orientation of officials, PRIs, community resource institutions / persons on thematic issues All Activities will follow suit Finalization of objectives, actions, indicators, targets with PRA Prioritization and scheduling of action Sharing of action plan with CRPs and the community Setting up of a community radio, Use of Cultural troops, Development Rath, IEC Vans, pamphlets, leaflets, Request DFP /SDD for support Getting a celebrity for communication Documentation of experiences and process
Sl. No Objective or Key Result AreaActionsSuccess Indicator with Unit 1Awareness Generation on Salient features of Act Wall writings% of readership Kalajatas% of people attended Film show% of people attended Awareness campaign through Ward Sabha % of people attended Exhibition% of people attended 2Issue of Job CardsContacting all households and number of households registered % of households received job cards within 15 days from the date of registration 3Application for employmentDated receipts issued by the Gram Panchayat % of applicants allotted work in 15 days 4PlanningTotal number of works identified % of works prioritized in the Gram Saba
Sl. No Objective or Key Result AreaActionsSuccess Indicator with Unit 5Shelf of worksTotal number of works approved and public display in Gram Panchayats % of users aware of approved works 6Execution of workNo. of works executed% of works from shelf executed 7Worksite facilitiesNo.of work sites where facilities provided % of mates accepted the provision of worksite facilities 8Wage PaymentMuster rolls and measurements timely sent to Computer Centre % wage seekers paid wages within 15 days 9RecordsUpdation of job cards Asset register % of job cards matched with the muster roll entries % of executed works recorded in the Asset Register
10Staff & TrainingPlacement of Gram Rozgar Sevak (Field Assitant),Programme Officer at block,Technical Assistant for group of Gram Panchayats,Data Entry Operators at block Trainings organized % of Gram Rozgar Sevak (Field Assitant), Programme Officer at block, Technical Assistant for group of Gram Panchayats, Data Entry Operators at block placed. % of each category of development functionary trained 11MonitoringTotal no.of muster rolls verified Total number of works inspected by the Block, District and State % of muster rolls verified % of works inspected by Block, District and State respectively.
12Social AuditSocial Audit conducted twice in a year and the total amount found fradulent % of fradulent amount recovered 13Grievance RedressalComplaints Register at GP level and total no.of complaints registered % of complaints /grievances redressed 14ConvergenceActivities converged Total amount invested through convergence
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