The History Of Cell Phone By- Chauncey Williams
Inventor Of The Cell Phone Martin Cooper created the cell phone in 1983 to make it easier for people to communicate, and it was introduced to the public market by the Motorola Company. This cell technology was used first in mobile rigs which were mainly used in taxis, police cars and other emergency vehicles and situation.
Definition A cell phone is a type of short-wave analog or digital telecommunications in which a subscriber has a wireless connection from a mobile telephone to a relatively nearby transmitter. The transmitter's span of coverage is called a cell. Generally, cellular telephone service is available in urban areas and along major highways. As a cellular telephone user moves from one cell area or coverage to another, the telephone is effectively passed on to the local cell transmitter.
Summary Beginning in the late 1940s, the technology that would later be used in today’s cell phones was created and the idea of a mobile phone was introduced. This cell technology was first used in mobile rigs which were mainly used in taxis, police cars and other emergency vehicles and situation. The first mobile phones, referred to as First Generation or 1G, were introduced to the public market in 1983 by the Motorola Company. These first mobile phones used analog technology which was much less reliable than the digital technology we use today.
Area of Interaction Health and social education is my area of interaction. It affects cell phones because you get so caught up into your phone that it could affect your grades and you won’t be focused on learning. Also it’s not healthy to spend all day on your phone, because you might get to use to it and not want to do anything else. Cell phones can really harm your health and social education.
Cell Phones In today's time there are nokia, Motorola, boost, cricket, t-mobile, sprint, and etc companies that create modern day phones.
Motorola Cell phones where made for people to communicate easier, and it was introduced to the public market by the Motorola Company. In today's time there are nokia, Motorola, boost, cricket, t-mobile, sprint, and etc companies that create modern day phones.
How They Affect Society I wanted to let society know that you have to put your money to good use or people will get over on you. Cell phones have changed over the years to make life easier for society, but there are still people out here that use cheap phones to a higher brand for money.
How Have They Changed Over Time ? Cell phones started off with just basic internet, talk, text and camera. Now they have maps, music, video, touch screen, etc. most phones slide out, to the side, and open up like a book. Similar to how they looked years ago but now even more better.
Questions ….??? Who made the first cell phone ? What was the first brand to publish cell phones ? What were the most common phones ? What is a cell phone ?
Timeline In Pictures !