Look at the info sheet on lung diseases: 1) Explain why asthma cause breathing difficulties – sketch the diagram to help your explanation 2) Explain why emphysema cause breathing difficulties – sketch the diagram to help your explanation 3) Explain why bronchitis results in a reduced rate of gas exchange in the lungs. 4) Explain why someone with a severe case of pneumonia may need extra oxygen.
Emphysema Caused by exposure to toxic chemicals or long- term exposure to tobacco smoke.
How does smoking affect the lungs? Which picture shows the healthy lungs of a non-smoker and which show the unhealthy lungs of a smoker? healthy lungssmoker’s lungs Not a difficult question to answer but some people still think that smoking is cool!
How does smoking affect health? Effects of smoking on health bronchitis liver cancer osteoporosis mouth, lip and throat cancer asthma lung cancer dental hygiene problems facial wrinkles pancreatic cancer impaired immune system heart disease cervical cancer kidney cancer sperm abnormalities and impotence bladder cancer leukaemia emphysema stomach cancer testicular cancer menstrual problems