BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION Sioux Rivers MHDS includes the NW Iowa counties of Woodbury, Plymouth and Sioux. Communities include: Sioux City, Le Mars, Orange City, Sioux Center, Rock Valley and the surrounding areas. Employment services providers: Life Skills Training Center, New Perspectives Inc., Mid-Step Services, Great Plains Goodwill and Hope Haven, Inc. Provider work services include facility-based work activity, supported employment and competitive employment services and supports. Partners include: Sioux Rivers MHDS, IVRS, DHS/IME (HCBS), ICIE, and most certainly consumers, employers and businesses, schools, etc.
SIOUX RIVERS COMMITMENT Sioux Rivers Region is committed to providing employment choice to persons with disabilities, including the full inclusion of persons with disabilities in the workforce of the communities within the Region. Employment in the general workforce is the preferred outcome for all persons regardless of the level of disability. The Region is further committed to assuring that all eligible persons with disabilities who want to be employed will have the opportunity to be employed; including persons currently participating in facility- based services. The Region has approved a multi-year project to improve outcomes for persons with disabilities living within the Region.
OUR PREMISE Transformation from facility- to community-based employment services is more than a shift in settings. It is more than a change by funding/regulatory sources. It is more than a change for providers. It is more than a change for clients and their families. It is a change in how community interacts and supports its neighbors, some of whom have disabilities in being part and partner within their community. So, the transformation is about:
CAPACITY By Local Government – Region; shifting priorities backed up by committing resources. To Empower consumers/clients – their family, their friends, the support systems, their neighbors. With and within Communities – resetting expectations we have instilled. Through Providers – extending existing skills and building new technologies.
EMPLOYMENT PROJECT OUTCOMES Regional Capacity : 1.To use evidenced-based strategies and service models to support persons with disabilities seeking employment such as: Person- Centered Planning, Customized Employment, Individualized Placement Services (IPS). 2.To develop outcome measures, including fidelity measures, to ensure positive outcomes for persons served and to increase access to quality employment services throughout the Region. 3.To develop partnerships with area schools, mental health providers, community support providers, IVRS, and others in order to maximize choice of employment outcomes.
EMPLOYMENT PROJECT OUTCOMES Client (consumer) Capacity: 1.The Region will create opportunities for persons currently served in facility-based services and their families to be informed of the shift to community-based employment and to engage them in this transition. 2.The Region will provide benefits education and planning to persons seeking employment to support their informed choice regarding employment options, opportunities and potential consequences to benefits such as SSA, SSI, and other public assistance.
EMPLOYMENT PROJECT OUTCOMES Community Capacity: 1.To develop partnerships with area business and industry to increase opportunities for people with disabilities for employment and to provide access to a reliable workforce for area employers. 2.To develop partnerships with area schools to support students with disabilities in the transition from school to work. 3.To develop partnerships and collaborations with community resources to promote access to employment (community living service providers, transportation, etc.)
EMPLOYMENT PROJECT OUTCOMES Provider Capacity: 1.Providers will obtain the competencies and resources necessary to implement evidenced-based practices including: career exploration, job development, job placement, job retention and follow-up services. 2.The Region will support providers to obtain training and implement skills in evidenced-based practices (to include funding for staff, training, consultation, mentoring, professional association membership, and credentialing. 3.A primary focus of Regional support is to assist in the transitioning from facility- to community-based employment services.
ACTION PLANS Initial action plans have been developed for each of the 4 areas. The Employment Alternatives Committee has been assigned the task of implementation of the Project: The Committee includes representation from the Region staff, from each participating provider and others. The Region has approved Year 1 funding: $520,000. Funding for years 2-3 has been tentatively approved. Year 1 includes: consultation, training (on and off site), conference attendance, and provider resource development (staff). ICIE has agreed to partner with the Region for the project!!! Collectively the 5 providers have committed to supporting up to 200 people in obtaining/maintaining employment.
TO DATE: PROJECT BEGAN 7/2015 Each provider has submitted an implementation plan. Each provider has agreed to the following: To assign a staff member to participate on the Employment Alternatives Committee. To assign staff member(s) to participate in project related training. To hire/assign staff member(s) to provide project employment services. To agree to targeted employment outcomes and provide required outcome data. To provide a budget for funds made available by the Region and – as required, an accounting for the funds.
TO DATE: Each provider has joined APSE and will be attending the upcoming conference. Collectively the providers will hire/assign 15 staff positions to the project! Employment outcome measures have been identified, including format. Our next major task is to further develop each of the 4 action plans, with initial priority being provider capacity: staff training.