By: Ashley Whiteaker
What It Is? Emphysema is tiny air sacs in the lungs and the Alveoli fills up with air and get enlarged and damaged also you get gaping holes in their inner walls.
How Do You Get It? The main way to get emphysema from tobacco smoke. The less main way to get emphysema is marijuana smoke.
What Happens To The System? You get less oxygen in your bloodstream. If someone has emphysema the would have problems exhaling air.
Does The Body Try To Fix Itself? The body would not try to fix’s itself because your lungs get weak and can’t do anything.
What Medicines Do You Need To Take? You would need to be living on a oxygen machine to be able to get as much oxygen as you can.
Is It Curable? Emphysema is not curable once you get it you have it.