Master Plan Committee Workforce and Economic Development July 11, 2002 Hillsborough Community College Tampa Council for Education Policy, Research and Improvement
Agenda I.Introduction II.Invited Speakers – Dr. Lanny Larson, Division of Community Colleges Management Objectives for Workforce and Economic Development, Florida Board of Education – Christy Hovanetz, Just Read, Florida!, Florida Board of Education Overview of Reading First Initiative III. Committee Discussion of Draft Issue Briefs and Outline for Committee Recommendations IV. Adjournment
Workforce Development Flow Chart Workforce Education Workforce Development Economic Development Florida Board of Education Universities Community Colleges School Districts Adult Vocational Grade 6-12 Adult Ed Workforce Florida, Inc. State Workforce Board Regional Workforce Boards One-Stop Centers Enterprise Florida, Inc. Local economic dev. councils/ organizations Gov. Office of Tourism, Trade and Economic Development Workforce Estimating Conference is comprised of members of the workforce education, workforce development and economic development sectors.
Workforce Development Flow Chart Workforce Education Workforce Development Economic Development Florida Board of Education State 1 - State Universities: $1.8 Billion Private Univ.: $117.9 million Comm. Colleges: $800.8 million ($297 for workforce) School Districts: $117.4 million workforce grants $381.5 million workforce development Workforce Florida, Inc. Federal - Title I, Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Wagner-Peyser, NAFTA/Trade Act funds State 1 – Operational Funds, Quick Response Training ($9.7 million) Enterprise Florida, Inc. Federal- None State 1 -Expansion, Retention, Recruitment, Marketing, etc ($13.4 million) Corporate Donations/Fees Gen. Appropriations Act
Vision Create a knowledge-based, high skill economy with a citizenry educated to their maximum potential What does the CEPRI Master Plan need to contain to achieve this vision?
Strategic Issue: Maximize Human Resources and Potential Goal Goal:K-12 students exit secondary education prepared to enter sustainable employment or postsecondary education Objective Ensure all students have foundation of basic skills. Strategy Reading programs for K-3 students (Reading First) Objective Expose all students to applied learning in real world, career-based context. Strategy School to Career Initiatives (career academies, internships, mentoring)
Strategic Issue: Maximize Human Resources and Potential Goal Goal:Adults and youth with deficiencies in basic skills are provided opportunities for attainment of skills necessary for sustainable employment or postsecondary education. Objective Ensure all students have foundation of basic skills. Strategy Adult general education should be utilized to make Floridas adult population ready for the workforce.
Strategic Issue: Maximize Human Resources and Potential Goal Goal:Lifelong learning opportunities are available for upward mobility. Objective Ensure that all Floridians have the opportunity to upgrade their skills for career advancement. Strategy Provide a variety of access points through methods such as flexible scheduling of classes, short-term courses of study and customized training.
Goal Goal: A priority should be placed on training in high-skill, high- wage occupations with growth potential for the State. Strategic Issue: Create Environment Conducive for Attracting and Sustaining High-Skill Business and Industry Objective Provide more opportunities for training in high skill/high wage areas. Strategy Incentive funding for high-skill/high wage training
Goal Goal: Business and industry involvement in postsecondary training should be an integral part of the workforce development system. Strategic Issue: Create Environment Conducive for Attracting and Sustaining High-Skill Business and Industry Objective Ensure formal participation of local business and industry in training and education programs. Strategy Educational providers form partnerships with local business community to better serve the needs of students and business (Corporate College).