Week December 1, 2014 – December 5, 2014 Due This Week: Vocabulary due Friday Vocabulary Test on Friday Field Trip Wednesday – Fashion Capital of the Area – Fredericksburg Competition Workshop Sat, 12/6 – 8:30-noon DECA NEWS: Help OTHERS: Remember to pick ornaments off tree to purchase gifts for family in need. Officer meeting Thursday 6:40am. First Drafts of Written Manuals due 12/12/14! Be sure to turn in permission forms/Commitment forms & FEES for District Leadership Conference/State Leadership Conference as soon as possible.
Early Work: While shopping at Foot Locker you found a pair of shoes for $84.50, with a sign that said additional 15% off taken at the register. What is the final price of the shoe? Today’s Objective : Developing & Understanding Product/Service Planning Skills & PositioningDeveloping & Understanding Product/Service Planning Skills & Positioning Activities Vocabulary Vocabulary Assignment of Fashion Project – What is Fashion? Discussion of expectations Colors – What do they mean? Pick your partners! Remember assignments on Marketing NOW - “It’s About the Product” – Homework: Work on project! Competition Workshop Saturday 8:30am to Noon! ☞ Point of the Day: Fashion merchandising is the business side of the Fashion World. Ladies don’t start fights, by they can finish them! Magical Monday Manners Moment
Early Work: You have $ in your bank account. You paid your $35 fee for the ACT and bought Wizard tickets for $ How much money do you now have in your account? Today’s Objective : Developing & Understanding Product/Service Planning Skills & PositioningDeveloping & Understanding Product/Service Planning Skills & Positioning Activities Marketing NOW Discussion FIELD TRIP!! If you are not going on the field trip – there will be work left for you to complete for the substitute. Remember assignments on Marketing NOW - “It’s About the Product” – Homework: Work on project! Competition Workshop Saturday 8:30am to Noon! ☞ Point of the Day: Fashion Merchandising comprises purchasing merchandise for sale, determine pricing, develop advertising and marketing to ensure that the clothing and accessories sell. I look at you and I am home. Tough Tuesday – Name that Company
Early Work: While shopping at Dillards you found a prom dress for $ with a sign that said additional 10% off taken at the register. What is the sale price of the dress? Today’s Objective : Developing & Understanding Product/Service Planning Skills & PositioningDeveloping & Understanding Product/Service Planning Skills & Positioning Activities Vocabulary Go to the Library – Research Fashion History – answer questions on sheet provided and turn in to the substitute. Work on Fashion Promotion Project Remember assignments on Marketing NOW - “It’s About the Product” – Homework: Work on project! Competition Workshop Saturday 8:30am to Noon! ☞ Point of the Day: Fashion Merchandising is a very competitive field with a limited number of jobs. Well you know how men are – they think “no” means “yes” and “get lost” means “take me, I’m yours!” Work Wear Wednesday & MKTG NOW Discussion
Early Work: Newspaper Day – The Free Lance Star You are working concessions stand for the basketball game and a customer orders 1 nacho ($2.50), 1 Gatorade ($1.75), 1 Water ($1.25), 1 Popcorn ($0.75), and 1 Pickle ($0.50). What is the customer’s total? Today’s Objective : Developing & Understanding Product/Service Planning Skills & PositioningDeveloping & Understanding Product/Service Planning Skills & Positioning Activities Vocabulary Work on your Fashion Promotion Project Remember assignments on Marketing NOW - “It’s About the Product” – Homework: Work on project! Competition Workshop Saturday 8:30am to Noon! ☞ Point of the Day: Buyers attend trade and fashion shows to view and select items to sell in a retail setting Some things you see with your eyes, others you see with your heart. Throw Back Thursday – Share a Weird Fact today!
Early Work: While shopping at the Nike Outlet, you have found a pair of tennis shoes that are originally $119.99; however, there is a sign that says “Additional 20% discount taken at register”. What is the new cost of the shoes? Today’s Objective : Developing & Understanding Product/Service Planning Skills & PositioningDeveloping & Understanding Product/Service Planning Skills & Positioning Activities Vocabulary TEST Continue work on your Fashion Promotion Project Remember assignments on Marketing NOW - “It’s About the Product” – Fashion Merchandising Promotion work continues – Presentations on Monday! Journal – “I am a fashionista because…” (or not…) Homework: Service Saturday is tomorrow! Competition Workshop Tomorrow 8:30am to Noon! ☞ Point of the Day: Visual Merchandisers develop in-store displays on mannequins and other fixtures to attract customers attention. Absence makes the heart grow fonder…or forgetful. Foxes Friday - The Week’s Wrap-Up & Good News!
Vocabulary Defined & Due on Friday Vocabulary Test on Friday – Be ready! 331) Price 332) Price Competition 333) Price Discrimination 334) Price Fixing 335) Price lining 336) Primary Data 337) Primary Demand 338) Primary Industry 339) Problem 340) Problem Solving 341) Producer 342) Product 343) Product Item 344) Product Knowledge 345) Product Life Cycle 346) Product Line 347) Product Mix 348) Product Placement 349) Product Width 350) Production 351) Profit 352) Progress Report 353) Promotion 354) Promotional Advertising 355) Promotional Mix 356) Prospecting 357) Psychographics 358) Public Relations (PR) 359) Public Service Announcement (PSA) 360) Publicity
Developing Product/Service Planning Skills 77-Analyze the life cycle of an existing product or service. 78-Analyze a product line and a brand extension, using case studies. 79-Create a product extension for an existing product. Understanding Product/Service Positioning 80-Describe the competitive positioning of an existing product or service. 81-Conduct a SWOT analysis to analyze the effects of competition on the selected product/service. 82-Develop a new positioning plan or a rationale for maintaining the existing positioning plan for an existing product or service. CTE Competencies Linked to SOLs
No matter what the topic, idea, product or service, you have to come up with unique ways to promote, to advertise, to sell! So lets all become Fashionistas!
R-E-S-P-E-C-T EVERYTHING!!! Your supplies – bring your stuff every-day! Bring your book every-day! Bring your notebook & composition book every- day! Bring pen/paper/thinking cap/open mind ever-day! Place all bags on the floor under your table! Wait for Teacher instruction before beginning activity! Passes out of Class - No Exit First 10/Last 10 One person out of room at a time Pass Board – USE IT! Keep it short! Stay in your seat until you are dismissed from class – the bell tells Teacher when class is over; Teacher then dismisses you. No talking while Teacher or others have the floor. Watch your language and mind your manners, please. All School Rules will be followed without question.