© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation Principal Orientation
© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation Vocationalisation of Sec.& Higher Sec. education in alignment with NSQF.
© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation Processes Involved Many Processes Need to come together for making this project happen Core- State Team Hiring SSC Coordinator Selection School Selection Teacher Hiring District Selection Project Planning & Tracking Program Organization & Mobilization VE Course Offering Decisions Community & Student Mobilization Curriculum Development District Skill Mapping Industry Interaction SSC Interaction Local Industry Involvement – Guest Lectures, Field Visits, Internships, Placement, internship, etc. PR Plan & Execution Vendor Selection Teaching and Training Quality of Delivery Assessment Methods Team BuildingCurriculum Dev.School & StudentsIndustry Teacher Training Accreditation Certification
© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation Curriculum Development FunctionDetails Who1.PSSCIVE, SSC, Wadhwani Foundation and implementing Partners. Process1.The Curriculum and Courseware is designed based on the NOS 2.Validating the Curriculum with the SSC in each and every phase of the development 3.Curriculum as per the NOS and format given by NSDC 4.year long skill development program for school children in Std IX, X, XI, XII as Level 1, Level 2, L3, L4 respectively. 5.Facilitators’ handbook, lesson plans, equipment list, students workbook, CDs
© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation Teacher Selection FunctionDetails Who1.The partner agencies, DSE, representative of SSC and that of Wadhwani Foundation. Process1.Agreement on Roles/Qualifications & Selection Board – between State, WF & SSC and implementing partners. 2.Candidate Outreach – through Notifications, Paper Ads, Contacts, etc. 3.Written test 4.Face to face interview by Selection Board 5.Selection & Orientation
© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation Teacher Training FunctionDetails Who 1.Partner Agencies, Subject expert, DSE and WF. Process1.Selected teachers are imparted training on the teaching methodology, Curriculum - domain, Life Skills and Facilitation Skills. Tools & Matl Used Facilitator Handbook prepared as part of Curriculum Duration one Week
© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation Vocation Course offering Decision FunctionDetails Who1. DSE and SSC and Industry Coordinators Process1.Based upon the District skills mapping report the SSC and the Industry Coordinators decided upon the course offering for each district and school. 2.Depending upon the local industry needs and requirement- Placement scope the trades are also finalized. 3. Field visits were made in association with DEOS to select the schools. 4.Once the information / data are collected the information was collated and recommendations made. 5.Based on the recommendation the Program Management Team both at the DSE and the Program Management level decided the allocation of trades and schools.
© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation Role of – Vocational Teachers FunctionDetails Role Work with Industries To ensure mobilization, training and placement for the Students as per the project guidelines and target groups To provide technical training in the specified domain to students for employability To mobilize, conduct outreach activity for in school students and drop out unemployed youth from within the community where the center is set up for the training program To understand the existing content of the curriculum and deliver it effectively in the classroom Organize for OJTs/industry exposure visit for the Students. Strengthening network and inviting Industrial experts for guest lectures. To ensure the entire technical content designed is delivered in the classroom within the stipulated time. Ensure quality parameters are met. To conduct internal assessments of students on a weekly/ monthly basis as per the assessment pattern set up for the domain. Network with the industry and tie up for placement opportunities and ensuring placement for the desired students.
© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation Cont… Role cont… Network with the industry and tie up for placement opportunities and ensuring placement for the desired students. Conducting soft skill training including preparing the Students for work as per the industry requirement To coordinate for industry specific, subject specific guest lectures Work closely with District School & Industry Coordinators Who? Industry experienced, knowledge of subject and teaching, capable to facilitate interactive and experiential learning session
© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation Teaching and Training FunctionDetails Who1.School, Faculty,Guest Lecture along with the support from the project team. 2.Program Management Team along with Vocational Coordinator to monitor Process1.Proper time allocation in the school time table. 2.Faculty to conduct classes as per the schedule. 3.Lesson plan for each lesson 4.Session evaluation/ feedback of important lessons. 5.Minimum 2 guest lecture in a month 6.Conduct Assessment as per schedule 7.Industry visit for students 8.Work readiness module Tools & Matl Used Time table for guest lecture Time table for classroom Assessment tool and methodology Duration Ongoing Outcome Pre-requisites Teachers appointed and trained, Students mobilized and admitted for the course.
© Copyright Wadhwani Foundation Industry Interaction FunctionDetails Who1.SSC Coordinators, Vocational Coordinators and Teachers Process1.SSC and the team to coordinate within their sector and maintain contact with all the leading/major industry players and local industry. 2.Curriculum Sharing 3.Guest lecture minimum 2 per month per trade 4.Field visit once 3 months for all trades 5.On Job Training and training of coaches 5.Support from Industry for Assessment 6.Support in Placement 7.Support in Curriculum revisit Tools & Matl Used Time table for guest lecture Time table for industry / field visit Assessment tool and methodology Duration Ongoing Outcome Industry plays an active role in the program and they drive the program Pre-requisites List of local industry
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