PNP NHQ SCORECARD Integrated Transformation Program PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Integrated Transformation Program Performance Governance System PNP NHQ SCORECARD 1
GOVERNANCE SCORECARD Stakeholders’ Support PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2020 2030 Stakeholders’ Support Attain positive performance to gain the trust and confidence of the stakeholders Compliance to reform initiatives as mandated by the PNP Integrated Transformation Program (ITP) 4 out of 19 priority projects completed 10 out of 19 priority projects completed 5 out of the remaining priority projects completed Implementation of the existing and projected PNP ITP priority projects Sustain public information and dialogue with the stakeholders and the other pillars of the Criminal Justice System participation of the Criminal Justice System and other sectors on the PNP Transformation Program and other Programs and Policies 100 % for internal stakeholders 3% for external stakeholders 20% for external stakeholders 80% for external stakeholders Implementation of the nationwide PNP ITP Advocacy Campaign PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 2
GOVERNANCE SCORECARD Stakeholders’ Support PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2020 2030 Stakeholders’ Support Sustainable partnership and collaboration with the stakeholders Percentage of LGUs with initiatives for safer communities with the PNP Percentage of police stations with LGU-PNP Anti-criminality Action Plan 40% Provincial; 50% City & 50% Municipal 50% of the total number of police stations 70% for Provincial, City & Municipal 90% of the total number of police stations 90% for Provincial City & Municipal 90% 100% of all police stations Enhancement of close coordination with Local Chief Executives and other sectors of the society Implementation of Safer City Project Implementation of LOI Payapa (Anti-criminality Action Plan) PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 3
GOVERNANCE SCORECARD Stakeholders’ Support PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2020 2030 Stakeholders’ Support Sustainable partnership and collaboration with the stakeholders - Percentage of tourist destinations considered as gun free zones and discipline zones. Percentage of provinces with peace zones Percentage of Barangays with Barangay Peacekeeping Action Teams 10% of the total tourist destinations. 10% of the total number of provinces. 30% of the total number of Barangays 50% of the total tourist destinations 50% of the total number of provinces. 90% of the total number of Barangays 100 % of all tourist destinations. 75% of the total number of provinces. 100% of the total number of Barangays Implementation of tourist oriented policing projects (Top Cops) Implementation of the Integrated Area Community Public Safety Plan (IACPSP) PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 4
GOVERNANCE SCORECARD Resource Management PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2020 2030 Resource Management Optimize utilization of financial and logistical resources to support administrative, operational and other priority programs of the PNP Efficient and synchronized planning, programming and budgeting Design a project proposal on the assessment and improvement of the planning, programming, and budgeting system at all levels of command. PNP operations 100% synchronized and integrated with the planning, programming and budgeting at all levels of command. 100% sustained and improved at all levels of command. Reengineering of PNP Planning and Budgeting System Design/ Implementation of PNP Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation System (RBMES) Strengthening of the Program Review and Analysis (PRA), Annual General Inspection (AGI), and Leaders Q PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 5
GOVERNANCE SCORECARD Resource Management PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2020 2030 Resource Management Optimize utilization of financial and logistical resources to support administrative, operational and other priority programs of the PNP Police Capability Index: - police stations owned and constructed - mobility - firearms - communication - investigative equipment 44 % 70% 55% 15% 30% 75% 90% 80% 100 % 100% Sustaining the implementation of Capability Enhancement Program Implementation of: - Logistics Information Management System - Integrated Police Data Warehousing - Integrated Ballistics Information System - Automated Fingerprinting Information System PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 6
Attain financial and logistical adequacy consistent with law PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE GOVERNANCE SCORECARD Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2020 2030 Resource Management Attain financial and logistical adequacy consistent with law Percent of LGU whose support to Provincial/ City/Municipal Police Offices and Stations is institutionalized. Percent of PNP Programs under the Transformation Program supported by local and foreign donors Number of police stations supported by foreign donors. Number of police stations supported by local donors. 50% -Provincial; 75% - City & 25% -Municipal 10% 5 police stations 75%- Provincial; 90%- City & 75%- Municipal 50% 17 police stations 100% for Provincial, City, & 100% 80 police stations Enhancement of the implementation of PNP Revenue & Resource Mobilization Strategy (Conduct of Donors Forum, Project Sponsorship) PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 7
GOVERNANCE SCORECARD PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Resource Management 8 Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2020 2030 Resource Management Ensure transparency and accountability in all financial and logistical transactions Percentage of compliance to audit requirements 100% Enhancement of the operations, plans and budget preparation Institutionalization of the Program Review Analysis (PRA) PNP Sincerity Index in Fighting Corruption -9% +10% +50% Implementation of the PNP Citizen’s Charter Strengthening of the PNP Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) Implementation of the Customized Procurement Manual (CPM) Implementation of the Procurement Management Information System (PPMIS) Implementation of the Integrity Development Action Plan (IDAP) Pursuance of ISO Certification PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 8
GOVERNANCE SCORECARD Learning & Growth PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2020 2030 Learning & Growth Entice and recruit the most qualified applicants Police to population ratio 1:700 1:600 1:500 Development of Psychometric tools Strengthening of the PNP Policy on Recruitment Train and develop a well-motivated and competent police force committed to serve and protect the people Percentage of personnel who completed mandatory and competency courses 80% 90% 100% Conduct of Training Needs Analysis (TNA) for Police Position and Ranks Reengineering of the Police Education and Training System Strengthening of the PNP Education and Training Curricula Implementation of the Competency Framework Project PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 9
GOVERNANCE SCORECARD Learning & Growth PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2020 2030 Learning & Growth Uphold and promote the principles of meritocracy and fitness in the PNP career ladder Percentage of personnel assigned to positions according to their competency and skills Grievance rate of PNP personnel . 75% 1 grievance per 1000 PNP Personnel 90% 1 grievance per 5000 PNP Personnel 100% placement 1 grievance per 10000 PNP personnel Implementation of the Police Career Development System Reengineering of the Police Education and Training System(Strengthening Capability Enhancement and Moral/Spiritual Maturity of Police Officers) Ingrain the PNP core values Values Index 1 3 5 as the highest Strengthening of the Police Discipline and Grievance System Strengthening of the IAS PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 10
GOVERNANCE SCORECARD Learning & Growth PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2020 2030 Learning & Growth Institutionalize adequate package of benefits and remuneration Percentage of personnel with: Quarters Housing Healthcare 65% 10% 25% 75% 90% 50% 100% Design and establishment of a PNP Pension and Benefits System Reengineering of the Police Remuneration System Rationalization of the Special Promotion, Awards and Decoration System PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 11
GOVERNANCE SCORECARD Process Excellence PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2020 2030 Process Excellence Achieve excellence in performing the integrated “QUAD +” Operations Crime Rate 7.15 4.28 2.56 (One of the lowest in Southeast Asia) Implementation of Anti-Crime Strategies: - Quad Concept Operation - Barangay Peace- keeping Action Team (BPAT) LOI Payapa Integrate Complaints Reporting System National Firearms Control Program Crime Solution Efficiency (CSE) 35% 40% One of the highest in Southeast Asia Implementation of the PNP CMIS Strengthening of Women and Children Protection Centers nationwide (e.g. Staff handling the Desk) PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 12
GOVERNANCE SCORECARD Process Excellence PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2020 2030 Process Excellence Achieve excellence in performing the integrated “QUAD +” Operations Number of Barangays cleared of communist insurgent activities ( with 2178 communist insurgents affected Barangays as of 2009) Percentage reduction of incidence of armed and non-armed insurgent activities (with recorded 397 communist insurgent atrocities within 2009) 1,150 10% 600 50% 428 Zero incident Implementation of Anti- Insurgency Strategies - LOI Maagap - LOI BRAVO - LOI Mapagpalaya Implementation of Anti-Terrorism Strategy (3- Tiered Defense System) PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 13
GOVERNANCE SCORECARD Process Excellence PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2020 2030 Process Excellence Achieve excellence in performing the integrated “QUAD +” Operations ISO certification of front line services and service providers Issuance of ISO 9001:2008 certification (national office): Motor vehicle clearance Firearms Crime Lab Civil security clearance PNPTS Continue to be ISO certified (regional level) based on the latest ISO: Continue to be ISO certified (regional level) based on the latest ISO standard: 1. Motor vehicle clearance 2. Firearms 3. Crime Lab 4. Civil security clearance 5. PNPTS Reengineering of the Police Education and Training System Application for ISO Certification of all frontline services PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 14
GOVERNANCE SCORECARD Process Excellence PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2020 2030 Process Excellence Adopt the best practices in community and rights-based policing supported by appropriate information and communications technology Percentage of police stations compliant with the standards of a Model Police Station Percentage reduction of alleged human rights violations/cases reported against police personnel 5% of the total nr of police stations 50% reduction in HRV cases by PNP personnel 50% of the total nr of police stations 90% reduction in HRV cases by PNP personnel 100% of police stations. Zero HR violation/case Institutionaliza tion of the Community Oriented Policing System (COPS) Establishment of Model Police Stations Implementati on of Policies and Police Operational Procedures on Human Rights PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 15
GOVERNANCE SCORECARD Process Excellence PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2020 2030 Process Excellence Adopt the best practices in community and rights-based policing supported by appropriate information and communications technology Percentage of Police Stations linked to Crime Management Information System (CMIS) 10% connectivity of police stations to CMIS 75% connectivity of police stations to CMIS 100% of all police stations linked to CMIS Implementation of the PNP CMIS PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 16
GOVERNANCE SCORECARD Community PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2020 2030 Community A safer place to live, work and do business Ranking of PNP among other government agencies in reference to the Performance Satisfaction Rating 5th 3rd 1st Outcome of all PNP programs and projects specified in the other 4 perspectives. Effectively enforced laws PNP Performance Approval Rating +30 net approval rating +50 net approval rating +65% net approval rating PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 17
PRO 3 SCORECARD Integrated Transformation Program PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Integrated Transformation Program Performance Governance System PRO 3 SCORECARD 18
PRO3 SCORECARD Stakeholders’ Support PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2013 2016 Stakeholders’ Support Attain positive performance to gain the trust and confidence of the stakeholders Compliance to reform initiatives as mandated by the PNP Integrated Transformation Program (ITP) To be determined based on the implemented ITP projects on NHQ PNP Implementation of the existing and projected PNP ITP priority projects Sustain public information and dialogue w/ the stakeholders and the other pillars of the CJS Number of regular interactions with other pillars of the CJS 1/month /office /station PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 19
PRO3 SCORECARD Stakeholders’ Support PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2013 2016 Stakeholders’ Support Sustainable partnership and collaboration with the stakeholders Percentage of LGUs with initiatives for safer communities with the PNP Percentage of police stations with LGU-PNP Anti-criminality Action Plan 45% Provincial 60% City 50% Municipal 30% 60% Provincial 70% City 60% Municipal 50% 70% Provincial 80% City 70% Municipal 70% Enhancement of close coordination with Local Chief Executives and other sectors of the society Implementation of Safer City Project Implementation of LOI Payapa (Anti-criminality Action Plan) PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 20
PRO 3 SCORECARD Stakeholders’ Support PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2013 2016 Stakeholders’ Support Sustainable partnership and collaboration with the stakeholders Percentage of Barangay with Barangay Peacekeeping Action Teams (BPATS) organized and mobilized 12.53% 45.87% 100% Implementation of the Integrated Area Community Public Safety Plan (IACPSP) PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 21
PRO3 SCORECARD Resource Management PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2013 2016 Resource Management Optimize utilization of financial and logistical resources to support administrative, operational and other priority programs of the PNP Efficient and synchronized planning, programming and budgeting % of Funds Utilized for Unprogramed Activities vis a vis total Programmed funds Ratio of internally and externally sourced funding 100% 15% Reengineering of PNP Planning and Budgeting System Design/ Implementation of PNP Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation System (RBMES) Strengthening of the (PRA), Annual General Inspection (AGI), and Leaders Q PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 22
PRO3 SCORECARD Resource Management PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2013 2016 Resource Management Optimize utilization of financial and logistical resources to support administrative, operational and other priority programs of the PNP Police Capability Index: - police stations owned and constructed - mobility - firearms long short - communication - investigative equipment 42 % 60% 80% 40% 53% 70% 85% 50% 66 % 90% Sustaining the implementation of Capability Enhancement Program Implementation of: Logistics Information Management System - Integrated Police Data Warehousing Integrated Ballistics Information System - Automated Fingerprinting Information System PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 23
Attain financial and logistical adequacy consistent with law PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE PRO 3 SCORECARD Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2013 2016 Resource Management Attain financial and logistical adequacy consistent with law Percent of LGU whose support to Provincial/ City/Municipal Police Offices and Stations is institutionalized with POCs. 3% 12% 21% Enhancement of the implementation of PNP Revenue & Resource Mobilization Strategy (Conduct of Donors Forum, Project Sponsorship) PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 24
PRO 3 SCORECARD PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Resource Management Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2013 2016 Resource Management Ensure transparency and accountability in all financial and logistical transactions Percentage of audits conducted 100% Enhancement of the operations, plans and budget preparation Institutionalization of the Program Review Analysis (PRA) PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 25
PRO 3 SCORECARD Learning & Growth PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2013 2016 Learning & Growth Entice and recruit the most qualified applicants Percentage filled up as per regional quota 100% Development of Psychometric tools Strengthening of the PNP Policy on Recruitment Train and develop a well-motivated and competent police force committed to serve and protect the people Percentage of personnel who completed mandatory Percentage of personnel completed competency /specialized courses 20% 15% 35% 25% 50% Conduct of Training Needs Analysis (TNA) for Police Position and Ranks Reengineering of the Police Education and Training System Strengthening of the PNP Education and Training Curricula Implementation of the Competency Framework Project PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 26
PRO 3 SCORECARD Learning & Growth PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2013 2016 Learning & Growth Uphold and promote the principles of meritocracy and fitness in the PNP career ladder Percentage of personnel assigned to positions according to their competency and skills Grievance ratio 75% 100% 85% 95% Implementation of the Police Career Development System Reengineering of the Police Education and Training System(Strengthening Capability Enhancement and Moral/Spiritual Maturity of Police Officers) PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 27
PRO 3 SCORECARD Learning & Growth PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2013 2016 Learning & Growth Institutionalize adequate package of benefits and remuneration Percentage of personnel with housing 5% 8% 12% Reengineering of the Police Remuneration System PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 28
PRO 3 SCORECARD Process Excellence PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2013 2016 Process Excellence Achieve excellence in performing the integrated “QUAD +” Operations Regional Crime Rate 46.94 46.19 45.44 Implementation of Anti-Crime Strategies: - Quad Concept Operation - Barangay Peace- keeping Action Team (BPATs) LOI Payapa Integrate Complaints Reporting System National Firearms Control Program Crime Solution Efficiency (CSE) 9.28% 10.78% 12.28% Implementation of the PNP CMIS Strengthening of Women and Children Protection Centers nationwide (e.g. Staff handling the Desk) PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 29
PRO 3 SCORECARD Process Excellence PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2013 2016 Process Excellence Achieve excellence in performing the integrated “QUAD +” Operations Percentage reduction of incidence of armed and non-armed insurgent activities: a) armed b) non-armed Number of human rights violations/cases reported against PNP personnel 15% 20% 2 18% 25% 1 21% 30% Implementation of Anti-Terrorism Strategy (3-Tiered Defense System) Implementation of Policies and Police Operational Procedures on Human Rights PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 30
PRO 3 SCORECARD Process Excellence PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2013 2016 Process Excellence Adopt the best practices in community and rights-based policing supported by appropriate information and communications technology Percentage of police stations compliant with HRD Component Percentage of police stations compliant w/ Process & System Component Percentage of police stations compliant with facilities development Component Percentage of police stations compliant with Citizens Empowerment Component 9 TBD based on funds to be released by NHQ PNP 36 63 TBD based on funds to be released by NHQ PNP Institutionalization of the Community Oriented Policing System (COPS) Establishment of Model Police Stations PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 31
PRO 3 SCORECARD Process Excellence PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2013 2016 Process Excellence Adopt the best practices in community and rights-based policing supported by appropriate information and communications technology Percentage of PPOs/CPOs with Internet connection Percentage of Police Stations with internet connection 100% 95% Implementation of the PNP CMIS PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 32
PRO3 SCORECARD Community PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Perspectives Objectives Measures Targets Initiative/s 2010 2013 2016 Community A safer place to live, work and do business Ranking of PNP among other government agencies in reference to the Performance Satisfaction Rating 35% 50% 80% Outcome of all PNP programs and projects specified in the other 4 perspectives. Effectively enforced laws PNP Performance Approval Rating 7th 5th 2nd PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) 33
Maraming Salamat Po! 34 PNP Performance Governance System (PNP PGS) (“PNP Transformation Roadmap 2030”) 34