Creative Writing Thursday, October 20, 2011
TODAY’S TARGETS To identify and use methods of creating suspense
Word of the Day ( Suspense a state or condition of mental uncertainty or exci tement, asin awaiting a decision or outcome, us ually accompanied by adegree of apprehension or anxiety.decision
TODAY’S TASKS 1.Journal write 2.Creating great story setting – Spilling Ink reading – An example of great suspense development (Richard Connell’s “The Most Dangerous Game”)
Journal Write-Pick One photograph-by-max-thorek-max
Spilling Ink Reading Building Suspense Read pages Key tip top of page tips on page 101 a. b. 2.How do you slow down the action and why? Page 102
Spilling Ink Reading Writing Descriptively Read pages
Richard Connell’s “The Most Dangerous Game” How does Connell build suspense? Find passages where you feel he does this well. How does he blend action and description? Find passages where you feel he does this well. While this is very much a plot driven story, how does he also develop character?
Consider your story ideas 1.Introduce character and the character’s world 2.Create a problem which forces character out of their world and into a new world (catalyst) 3.Create obstacles that your character must face on their way to reach their goal (rising action) 4.At the midpoint, have some dramatic shift that causes your character’s goal to change 5.Decide on your characters lowest point and how they will get themselves out 6.Establish resolution
Short Story Criteria In a small group, discuss and record thoughts on the following: What are the elements of a strong short story? In small groups, discuss the elements of a great short story.
Next Week Draft your short story Writing Workshop groups for revision help Finalize story Reflect and “publish”