Synthesis and characterization of bulk functionalized polyurethane foams for lead ion removal from water at ppb levels Cristian Bonilla Subhashini Gunashekar Dr. Nidal Abu-Zahra OBJECTIVE Preparing a bulk functionalized polyurethane foam containing sulphonic acid groups as ion exchange media to remove Pb 2+ from water. Determining the main physical properties of the foam and chemical structure through a detailed characterization. MOTIVATION Lead is a toxic heavy metal that is harmful to human health. The occurrence of lead in drinking water is mainly from corrosion of lead pipes and solders and faucets made with leaded brass, especially in areas of soft and acidic water. Long-term exposure is toxic and high levels of lead contamination in a child can result in convulsions, major neurological damage, organ failure, coma, and ultimately death.
POLYURETHANE FOAM SYNTHESIS Experimental set up – Raw materials reacted at 70 o C in a nitrogen atmosphere Prepolymer containing functionalized groups capable of removing lead ions Addition of blowing agent to initiate foaming Foaming Pre-polymer Cast Open cell Polyurethane Foam RESULTS a. b. c. d. e. f. (a) FTIR spectrum of samples A1-A4 (b) FTIR spectrum of samples B7-C10 (c)High and low molecular weight compounds on the samples based on BES/DMSO content (d)EDX elemental analysis (e)SEM image of polyurethane foam at 50X magnification (f)Lead removal efficiency based on BES/DMSO molar content
RESULTS (cont.) (g) Lead removal efficiency based on PPG/TDI molar content (h) Lead removal efficiency with variable CERT Foam 1 st Run 2 nd Run3 rd Run PH AND MULTISTAGE BATCH ANALYSIS g. h. i. j. k. (i) Multistage batch filtration process set-up (j) Lead removal capacity from multistage filtration process (k) pH analysis of functionalized polyurethane foam CONCLUSION The foam with the molar composition of 1 mole of PPG, 2 moles of TDI, 0,6 moles of BES, and 4 moles of DMSO with a CERT of 40 min seemed to be the most stable structurally and had the highest Pb 2+ removal efficiency of 47ppb/g for 1 h exposure in 100 ppb Pb 2+ solution. Higher amounts of foam samples in a multistage batch filtration set up increased the Pb2+ removal efficiency. The functionalized polyurethane foam performed better at lower pH levels, after exposure times of two hours.