CPED Meeting At aera Denver, Co May 2, :00am-2:00pm David Imig& Jill Perry David Imig& Jill Perry
Agenda TimeActivity 10:00amWelcome Understanding FIPSE & CPED David Imig 10:10amRationale for CPED as distinct Jill Perry 10:25am Why is our work important? Group Work 11:00amReport out 11:15am How are we developing new programs? Group Work 12:00- 1:30pm Working Lunch What are our research questions? 1:30pmReport out & next steps
Understanding fipse& how cped fits Jackie Edmondson (PSU) & David Imig have discussed CPED with Ralph Hines, Director FIPSEJackie Edmondson (PSU) & David Imig have discussed CPED with Ralph Hines, Director FIPSE 36 grants at $750K each36 grants at $750K each Looking for innovation how do our programs show student improvement? What models and outcomes can we demonstrate?Looking for innovation how do our programs show student improvement? What models and outcomes can we demonstrate? Interested in evaluation & dissemination as part of studyInterested in evaluation & dissemination as part of study May cover protocol developmentMay cover protocol development Deadline mid-late June; Awards in SeptemberDeadline mid-late June; Awards in September
It is a Problem of National SignificanceIt is a Problem of National Significance It is an Unsolved ProblemIt is an Unsolved Problem It is a Widely Felt ProblemIt is a Widely Felt Problem It is an Emerging ProblemIt is an Emerging Problem It is a Practical ProblemIt is a Practical Problem It is a Problem Shared by Many Colleges & UniversitiesIt is a Problem Shared by Many Colleges & Universities It is a Problem Demanding Bold ThinkingIt is a Problem Demanding Bold Thinking What is the Problem?
Common Commitment to Distinguishing and Differentiating Between the Doctorate in Education (154 Colleges & Universities)Common Commitment to Distinguishing and Differentiating Between the Doctorate in Education (154 Colleges & Universities) Research Scholars vs. Scholarly PractitionersResearch Scholars vs. Scholarly Practitioners Practical and Narrative Knowledge vs. Analytic Knowledge Practical and Narrative Knowledge vs. Analytic Knowledge Guided by a Set of Shared PrinciplesGuided by a Set of Shared Principles Work Based on a Shared Language (Shulman)Work Based on a Shared Language (Shulman) Capstones and Decathlons and Signature Pedagogies Capstones and Decathlons and Signature Pedagogies The CPED Initiative
Directed at Real Problems and Real SolutionsDirected at Real Problems and Real Solutions Emphasis is on Preparing Transformational Leaders to Change Schools and Colleges & Other Learning OrganizationsEmphasis is on Preparing Transformational Leaders to Change Schools and Colleges & Other Learning Organizations Enabling Doctoral Programs to Meet the Needs of Practitioners (Part Time Students with Full Time Responsibilities)Enabling Doctoral Programs to Meet the Needs of Practitioners (Part Time Students with Full Time Responsibilities) Doing So in a Rigorous, Responsible, Practical, Transparent, and Ethical MannerDoing So in a Rigorous, Responsible, Practical, Transparent, and Ethical Manner Making the EdD The Degree of Choice
Changes in Knowledge, Skills, Behaviors and/or AttitudesChanges in Knowledge, Skills, Behaviors and/or Attitudes Changes in Organizational Structures to Promote Such Learning and Behavioral ChangeChanges in Organizational Structures to Promote Such Learning and Behavioral Change Changes in the Cost of Preparing LeadersChanges in the Cost of Preparing Leaders Ways of Using Quasi-Experimental Designs to Document Such ChangesWays of Using Quasi-Experimental Designs to Document Such Changes Readiness of CPED to Use Multiple Data Gathering Procedures Across InstitutionsReadiness of CPED to Use Multiple Data Gathering Procedures Across Institutions What We Want to Know
An Established Network of +25 Colleges and UniversitiesAn Established Network of +25 Colleges and Universities 3 Years of Shared Effort in Building Pilots or Proofing Sites (Some Cross Institutional Data & Information)3 Years of Shared Effort in Building Pilots or Proofing Sites (Some Cross Institutional Data & Information) A Common Set of PrinciplesA Common Set of Principles An Agreed Upon Set of OutcomesAn Agreed Upon Set of Outcomes A Shared LanguageA Shared Language Institutional Resources and Institutional “Change Agents”Institutional Resources and Institutional “Change Agents” What We Have to Offer
Beginners Agreed Program Design Student Recruitment In Process Imminent Launch Implementers Program Cohorts Admitted Courses Offered Capstone Defined Matures Program Graduates Practicing Professionals The Challenges
School Leaders Leaders for PK-12 Schools Teacher Educators Leaders for Schools and Colleges Organizational Leaders Learning Organization Leaders Different Purposes: Different Clients
Finding a HomeFinding a Home Identifying a Project EvaluatorIdentifying a Project Evaluator Staffing the ProjectStaffing the Project Building a BudgetBuilding a Budget Creating a Shared Governance DesignCreating a Shared Governance Design Building a Cross Institutional Commitment to Data Gathering and Data SharingBuilding a Cross Institutional Commitment to Data Gathering and Data Sharing Getting Everything Completed SOON!Getting Everything Completed SOON! Organizational & Governance Concerns
Demographic Data on Applicants & Admitted Students, Graduates & Successful PractitionersDemographic Data on Applicants & Admitted Students, Graduates & Successful Practitioners Cohort Data on Knowledge & Skills, Beliefs & Attitudes - Across Program Data Cohort Data on Knowledge & Skills, Beliefs & Attitudes - Across Program Data Information on Course Designs, Labs of Practice, Internships, ApprenticeshipsInformation on Course Designs, Labs of Practice, Internships, Apprenticeships Candidate Course Grades, Portfolios, Other ArtifactsCandidate Course Grades, Portfolios, Other Artifacts Candidate Success on Comps, Proposals & Capstones (Shared Rubrics)Candidate Success on Comps, Proposals & Capstones (Shared Rubrics) Candidate Success in Appointments, Promotions, Supervisor Evaluations, etc.Candidate Success in Appointments, Promotions, Supervisor Evaluations, etc. Candidate Success on Certifying ExaminationsCandidate Success on Certifying Examinations Data – What Do We Want?
WHERE WE HAVE ARRIVED Phase I of CPED: Why - Belief Statements = Scholarly Practitioner Why - Belief Statements = Scholarly Practitioner How - Design Decisions (signature pedagogies, labs, capstones) How - Design Decisions (signature pedagogies, labs, capstones) What - 6 principles of the professional practice doctorate What - 6 principles of the professional practice doctorate
WHY : Scholarly Practitioners From institutional documents Need for critical consumers of research Need for action research, applied research skills Need for research literary, systematic inquiry, effective data analysis for data-driving decision making Need for combining inquiry and content Need to develop students’ knowledge, competencies, and skills applicable to disciplined inquiry Need to focus on research in action Need for more deliberate and developmental scaffolding for students as they plan for and actually conduct research on problems of practice From October Convening We, the members of CPED, believe “The professional doctorate in education prepares educators for the application of appropriate and specific practices, the generation of new knowledge, and for the stewardship of the profession.”
How : our accomplishments Key program structures : cohorts, three year completion, innovative assessments, attention to adult learners, engagement of workplace, Key features : signature pedagogies, labs, capstones that emphasize inquiry and define cohesive leadership preparation that engages learner and scholar in solving problems of practice Key outcomes : scholarly decisions and solutions to high leverage problems, scholarly products aimed at research and practice, rethinking of doctoral preparation in SOEs
What : 6 principles 1.Is framed around questions of equity, ethics, and social justice to bring about solutions to complex problems of practice. 2.Prepares leaders who can construct and apply knowledge to make a positive difference in the lives of individuals, families, organizations, and communities. 3.Provides opportunities for candidates to develop and demonstrate collaboration and communication skills to work with diverse communities and to build partnerships. 4.Provides field-based opportunities to analyze problems of practice and use multiple frames to develop meaningful solutions. 5.Is grounded in and develops a professional knowledge base that integrates both practical and research knowledge, that links theory with systemic and systematic inquiry. 6.Emphasizes the generation, transformation, and use of professional knowledge and practice.
Why— Justify our claim that Scholarly Practitioner is important? In inter-institutional groups: Discuss & record results
How are we preparing Scholarly Practitioners? In inter-institutional groups: Describe your institutional efforts around one of the following CPED design concepts— Signature pedagogies Laboratories of Practice Capstones
What — questions to launch Phase II & attract resources In inter-Institutional groups, CONSIDER THE RESEARCH questions &ANSWER: What — questions to launch Phase II & attract resources In inter-Institutional groups, CONSIDER THE RESEARCH questions &ANSWER: a. What do we think of these as research questions? B. how can we word-smith them? C. what are some subquestions? D. What are our hypotheses around these? How has CPED changed Higher Ed/programs?How has CPED changed Higher Ed/programs? How have CPED grads changed their settings?How have CPED grads changed their settings? How does program change impact schools?How does program change impact schools? How have grads transformed their notions of leadership?How have grads transformed their notions of leadership? How are we faithful in our programs to principles?How are we faithful in our programs to principles?
Next steps TimelineAERA: Evaluate RQs Add sub-questions Ideas on how we might collect data (will warrant tool development) May-June: Send out AERA results to all teams Develop two-page description for potential protocol development Write narratives for grant Assemble proposal writing team At UCF June Convening: Question development teams Protocol development teams Discuss division of consortium for research-- inter-institutional June-September June-September Establish institution commitments Work as if we have grant—develop design, products due, convenings Questions to consider: Size, scope, how to group? Products, outcomes, evidence Types of Evaluation How disseminate our products/results? Inclusion of new members as critical friends?
Thanks for participating Share ideas with your home team members We’ll see ya’ll at the University of Central Florida June 9-11th