Today’s Agenda: 1.Trade and Grade Lesson 25 Questions 2.Review Food Log assignment 3.Notes: using diet to guard against disease Mon Oct 20, 2014 Assignments Due: Objective: Essential Question: How can I make the proper food choices to ensure that I am consuming the necessary nutrients for optimal health? I will understand ways that food choices can reduce the risk of developing many types of disease. Today is DAY 1on your food log
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Today’s Agenda: 1.Officer Keipert Today is DAY 2 on your food log Tue Oct 21, 2014 Assignments Due: Objective:
Wednesday/ Thursday
Today’s Agenda: 1.Guest Speaker - CHOICES Wed/Thu Oct 22/23, 2014 Assignments Due: Objective: Today is DAY 4 on your food log Essential Question: How can I make the proper food choices to ensure that I am consuming the necessary nutrients for optimal health?
Today’s Agenda: 1.Warm-up 2.Healthy options partner activity Fri Oct 24, 2014 Assignments Due: Objective: 1. Today is DAY 5 on your food log Essential Question: How can I make the proper food choices to ensure they are consuming the necessary nutrients for optimal health? I will be able to list healthy options in different eating situations.
1. Find a partner 2. Get materials 1.Textbook (pg. 311) 2.Whiteboard 3.Marker 4.Eraser 3. Make a T-chart on your white board Healthy Choice / Unhealthy choice
1. Reasons why people eat 2. Breakfast 3. Lunch 4. Snacks 5. Dinner 6. Eating for Exercise 7. Eating at a Restaurant
Turn into the basket on your way out! Instead of an acrostic: List 3 NEW things you learned this week in class