2 National Institute on Drug Abuse Community Epidemiology Work Group (CEWG) Established 1976
3 United States Drug Observatories Albuquerque
4 Goals: To Characterize Changes in Drug Use To Characterize Changes in Drug Use To Provide Early Identification of New To Provide Early Identification of New Patterns and Emerging Drug Abuse issues Patterns and Emerging Drug Abuse issues
Key Findings January 2013
Key Findings January Outbreaks of New Heroin Epidemics among White, young adults (aged 18-30) Rx Opioid Abusers and Addicts
Key Findings January Cocaine still a major problem but with declining consequences in all areas
All Cocaine Purchases Domestic STRIDE Data January 2007 – June 2012 * * STRIDE is a database of drug exhibits sent to DEA laboratories from the DEA, FBI, CBP, ICE, USCG, and Washington MPD. STRIDE is not a representative sample of drugs available in the United States, but reflects all evidence submitted to DEA laboratories for analysis. STRIDE data are not collected to reflect national market trends. Nonetheless, STRIDE data reflect the best information currently available on changes in cocaine price and purity. From January 2007 through June 2012, the price per pure gram of Cocaine increased 79.4%, from $97.64 to $ while the purity decreased 28.3%, from 67.1% to 48.1%. *During 2 nd Qtr. 2012, the number of cocaine samples analyzed for the STRIDE dataset decreased significantly as compared to 1 st Qtr due to resource limitations % $ $ 97.64
Key Findings January Most drug deaths involve a combination of benzodiazepine (depressant) with opioid (narcotic pain reliever)
Percent of Other Drugs Detected in the 1,185 Lethal Oxycodone Deaths in Florida: 2009 Source: Analysis of 2009 Florida Medical Examiner Commission Complete Electronic Database by Nova Southeastern University Center for Study & Prevention of Substance Abuse % Detected
* * Bernalillo County 1,521 enrollees 96 OD Reversals 77 Heroin Deaths Rio Arriba County 279 enrollees 166 OD Reversals 12 Heroin Deaths Santa Fe County 50 enrollees 12 OD Reversals 19 Heroin Deaths Enrollees elsewhere: 79 OD Reversals elsewhere: 4 Heroin Deaths elsewhere: 55 Top Counties with Opiate Drug Overdose Deaths and DOH Harm Reduction (Naloxone) Efforts, Source: OMI and DOH Harm Reduction Program. NOTE: Clients have the opportunity to enroll in the Naloxone Program at state-funded syringe exchange sites and some public health offices. 391 Reversals
Key Findings January Marijuana is ubiquitous! # 1 for rise in “drugged driving”
Current (past 30-day) Marijuana Use Among Broward County Middle and High School Students Source: Florida Youth Substance Abuse Surveys
Percent of high school students having ridden or driven in the past 30 days with or as driver having used marijuana or alcohol RODE with Driver who had used marijuana or alcohol DROVE after using marijuana or drinking alcohol % Reporting Source: FL-DCF Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey
Key Findings January Emerging synthetic drugs such as fake marijuana and stimulants may have peaked in mid 2012 with less retail access but more illicit street sales
Methylone is beta-ketone MDMA Molly
Molly’s Not Pure MDMA but…. methylone bk- 3,4 methylenedioxy-methcathinone 96 Crime Lab Cases March – October 2012 in Broward County 276 Crime Lab Cases in Miami-Dade County during 2012
Key Findings January Methamphetamine consequences are stable (low where they have been low and high where they have been high). ? d or l
Taos Alive Improving a Community in Pain By Julie Martinez CPS
DEA Take Back April 28, 2012 – 20 kg Collected Taos Police Tribal Police Taos County Sherriff September 29, Taos Police Tribal Police State Police Taos County Sherriff Questa Police Colorado State Troopers April 27, 2013 Next one.
Permanent Drop Box
Brochure for Prescriptions Lockyouremeds.org
Environmental Strategies Prescriber Training Hospital Opiate Prescribing Guidelines Non-DEA Take Back
Holy Cross Hospital ER Opiate Prescribing Guidelines
Narcan Project M odeled on Project Lazarus. to reverse OD and keeping people alive until they can seek treatment. Also help prevent accidental OD for children or adults taking sedative combinations.
Safecommunity.net Substance Abuse Prevention Integrate Mental Health Care Early Intervention. Drug Treatment. And Recovery Reduce Access To Drugs Reduce Inappropriate Rx Use Improve Poisoning Interventions
Patient Education for Narcan Kit
Prescription Drug Abuse Initiative of Taos Alive Increase use of PDMP by local providers Presentations to High Schools and Senior Centers
What is Project ECHO? Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes Initial focus on expanding access to hepatitis C treatment Goal: Help Primary Care Practitioners in underserved areas to deliver treatment that has previously been provided only by specialists