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DutchEnglish Adrian Block thought he was the founder in 1614 But John Oldham thought he was the founder in 1633 But the English eventually won the argument Because of this the English colonists settled there to escape from religious persecution. They were led by Thomas Hooker, puritan minister. He was also considered a founder.
(Dutch Guy) (English Guy)
Reasons of Founding Thomas Hooker left Massachusetts to Connecticut for greater religious freedom because he wasn’t allowed to practice his religion freely. When he came to Connecticut he let the people practice their religions freely
Colonists & Natives Native Americans lived near the river of Quinnequktuqut which means “beside the long tidal river” In 1631 some Native Americans invited the governor of Massachusetts to settle in the area in return for protection in their fights Instead, the Natives ended up in a lot of fights with the colonists
Climate and Geography The winters were very cold and the summers were mildly warm The terrain had many forests and hills The soil was great for farming, although the farms were small Colonists used the sea for reasons such as fishing, whaling, and trading
Economy The colonists grew food to provide sustenance and a little to trade There was corn, pumpkins, beans, squash, and apples Cattle were also raised for milk and beef They also hunted, weaved, and built their homes from logs out of the forests Some ways to make a living in Conneticut were shipbuilding, fishing, and whaling on the coast.
Religion The main religion was the Puritan religion, since most of the colonists came from a Puritan community These colonists separated their religious codes from their colonial laws better than the colonists in Massachusetts
Politics and Government The Colonists in Connecticut wrote the first written constitution called the Fundamental Orders The constitution called for a government that is based on the governed One representative from each town, six magistrates, and a Governor were elected