Religious Freedom England was Protestant King Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church King Henry VIII forms the Anglican Church (Church of England) Wanted to divorce his wife because she didnt give birth to a boy How is the gender of a child determined? Not everyone was happy with the Anglican Church
Dissenters Dissent: Disagreement 2 groups were not happy with the Anglican Church 1. Puritans Wanted to change or reform the Anglican Church 2. Separatists Wanted to leave and set up their own churches
Separatists Faced persecution in England Many fled to the Netherlands Couldn’t find work Worried their children were losing their religious values and English way of life Needed to find a new place to settle
The Pilgrim’s Journey Separatists in the Netherlands made an arrangement with the Virginia Company Could settle in Virginia and practice their religion IF they would give the company a share of any profits Separatists considered themselves Pilgrims Pilgrims: People who go on a journey for a religious purpose
The Mayflower Only 35 of the 102 passengers were actually Pilgrims The rest were common people-servants, craftspeople, and poor farmers
Plymouth The Pilgrims arrived in North America in December Problems? Where were they trying to land? William Bradford is the leader of the Pilgrims
The Mayflower Compact Formal Document Pledges loyalty to England Pledges to form a government and to obey laws passed by the government Important step towards representative government!!
Relations with Native Americans During the first winter nearly half of the Pilgrims died Malnutrition, Cold, Disease Squanto and Samoset (Native Americans) Show Pilgrims how to grow corn, beans, pumpkins, and how to hunt and fish Helped to make peace between Pilgrims and other Native American groups in 1621
Puritans Charles I comes to the throne Persecuted Puritans Many Puritans want to leave England Massachusetts Bay Company 1630 Leader: John Winthrop Want to establish a society based upon the Bible in America Boston 1630s: 15,000 Puritans journey to Massachusetts Known as the Great Migration
Puritan Government Initially, John Winthrop and his assistants make the colony’s laws Colonists demand a larger role An elected assembly is established Adult male church members were allowed to vote for their representatives Later, owning property became a requirement
Rhode Island and Connecticut Puritans came to America to practice their religious freedom However: The Puritans persecuted people of other faiths Thomas Hooker: Connecticut 1636 Roger Williams: Rhode Island Banished in 1635 Rhode Island is established in 1644 as the first place where ALL religions could be practiced freely John Wheelwright: New Hampshire 1679
Conflict with Native Americans Native Americans traded furs for: Guns Iron Pots Blankets Conflict came from: Settlers moving onto Native American lands without permission 1675: War broke out between New England and Native Americans “King Philip’s War” The New England colonists win and were now free to expand their settlements