A Tool for: Creating Collaborating Communicating Critical Thinking
“So, the goals of 21st century learning in the elementary classroom are helping each child communicate, collaborate, and exercise creativity and critical thinking while both consuming and producing content that connects them with their world in ways that are personally meaningful and relevant.” Jukes, Ian st Century Fluency Project, school
Knowledge about what technology is How it works What purposes it can serve How it can be used efficiently and effectively to achieve specific personal and societal goals. Bers, M. U. (2008). Blocks to robots: Learning with technology in the early childhood classroom. New York, NY: Teachers College Press. Curriculum Proposal: Create a learning experience using augmented reality for each grade level to provide opportunities to develop technology fluency.
Integrates well with CCSS for the attainment of student learning objectives It’s free Fulfills ISTE NETS standards Fulfills NJ CORE standards for Technology It’s free Promotes engagement in authentic projects that use technologies for the purpose of learning Web-based, no downloads, mobile apps available It’s free Easily navigated interface Resource rich for professional development, student interaction and parent participation And was it mentioned, it’s free
Active Engaging Hands on Immersive Students create content Quick implementation Many open source resources Students may have to share devices for creating content Students must use channel created by teacher to create auras
Minimal time for implementation Permits active learning with teacher as a “Guide on the side” Promotes digital citizenship in a secure social network Open source resources for training Extends PLCs to global community
Kindergarten – Animals of New Zealand animal research unit Grade 1 – Space flashcards make study of the Solar System come alive Grade 2 – Add pictorial definitions to Word Walls with “If only the walls could talk” project
Grade 3 – Act out book reviews for various fiction genre (Readwritethink.org) peer-reviewed Grade 4 – Publish a short story using augmented reality; collaborative activity with writer, editor, art director, and producer roles Grade 5 – Create a tour of the Media Center that focuses on the organization of information
Augmented reality allows students to: Express point off view or voice of a character Scaffold or layer knowledge Study the organization of information Gain perspective on use of light & sound(filming) Explore symbolism and create icons Practice public speaking
Dinosaur books here
Presented by Charlene Mason EDTC 625Dr. Chris Shamburg Week 4 AssessmentAugust 3, 2014 Proof of concept: Trigger Below Aurasma channel