IMPORTANCE OF AGRICULTURE Neolithic Agricultural Revolution: Nomadic lifestyle began to be replaced by people living in constant places, growing and producing crops, raising livestock Constant food source allowed for larger populations to live amongst each other With food being produced- less reliance on hunting, which allowed for specialization ◦Emphasis on human beings becoming expert at specific skills ◦Examples: Cloth-makers, Builders, Iron-Smelters, Merchants
IMPORTANCE OF AGRICULTURE Emergence of Agriculture resulted in the emergence of great civilizations in North America ◦Olmec (Southern Mexico) ◦Maya (Yucatan Peninsula, Guatemala) ◦Aztec (Valley of Central Mexico-present day Mexico City) ◦Inca (Peru- Andes Mountains) Specialization allowed for culture identity to be established, and set the stage for markets and economies to form
NORTH AMERICAN CULTURES DEVELOP Culture- dependent largely on Geography of area inhabited Eastern United States ◦Dense Forest, Appalachian Mountains running N to S, Large Rivers Central United States ◦Forest changing to plains, excellent farming, very flat Western United States ◦Diverse landscape, dry and arid region, Rocky Mountains running N to S ◦Desert SW very hot and dry ◦Pacific Northwest- very moist and cool. Mountainous, abundant waterways
NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURAL SIMILARITIES Trade was prominent in Native American Culture ◦Land never traded; considered as Source of Life Religion- Belief in the Natural World being full of spirits ◦Living and non-living objects possesses voices ◦Some cultures believed in one Supreme Being (Different than Euro Monotheism) Family- Basic unit of organization amongst Native Americans ◦Emphasis on heritage (Aunts, Uncles, Cousins all included in family Native American Cultural Customs in place for thousands of years
EUROPEAN CULTURE Dominated by Catholic Church ◦Replaced Polytheism in Rome by Constantine ◦Spread rapidly throughout Europe ◦Christian Clergy, Priests, Bishops held $$ and Power European politics through the Middle Ages were dominated by Catholic Church influence Examples: Charles Martel, Charlemagne (Franks)
IMPACT OF THE CRUSADES Crusades- Christian attempts to reclaim ‘Holy Land’ from Muslim and Jewish peoples ◦Extremely violent events that occurred primarily near Jerusalem, present-day Israel, Syria, etc. ◦RESULT: Islamic faith remained in power in the region of the ‘Holy Land’ ◦RESULT: Trade routes that were closed off during the Middle Ages were re-opened between Europe and the Middle East
PROTESTANT REFORMATION European criticism of Catholic Church practices ◦Led by Martin Luther, who challenged notion of ‘indulgences’ ◦Indulgence- Payment for Sins ◦Henry VIII of England established Anglican Church ◦Catholic Church refused to grant him divorce, so he created his own religion ◦John Calvin of France established the Calvinist Religion ◦Based on teachings of Huldrych Zvinghli The Protestant Reformation began a gradual de-valuing of religion in Europe that would only increase with the arrival of the Renaissance
RENAISSANCE Latin term meaning ‘Re-birth’ Emphasized understanding of physical world Placed importance on ancient Greek and Roman work that emphasized the natural world, human body, etc. Less emphasis placed on Religiously-influenced art Originated in Italy, spread North due to invention of printing press by Johannes Gutenberg Renaissance thought emphasized importance to think as individuals, which de- valued Christianity’s stronghold on the European culture
COMMERCIAL REVOLUTION Technological Influences in 3 areas resulted in heightened exploration patterns of European Nations: ◦1. Map-Making ◦2. Navigation ◦3. Ship-Building Resulted in Commercial Revolution ◦Fixed values placed on coins ◦International trade and banking made easier ◦Concept of stock began to be seen, as investors would finance overseas explorations