DEER By: Christopher Stevens Date: 2/7/11
Deer today Deer live free but ever since more technology like cars and things causing pollution it has killed many deer.
Deer families There are many other deer than just whitetail like on the first page there is an elk it doesn’t look the same but it’s still in it’s family. The original whitetail is up to lbs., And a elk is up to lbs. and a moose is up to 1000 pounds! Every animal needs deer look though the words.
Habitat places The one in the top left is in the Washington mountains. The one under it is in the deserts of Nevada and Arizona and what ever else it covers. The one to the top right is in the plains of all it covers. Under that is a big Texas buck. To the right of that is 2 does in deep snow in North Carolina.
Habitat places 2 At the very top right is northeastern deer in spring.
Deer food Deer eat many things they are herbivores that means that they eat only plants. In winter my dad told me that they eat tree buds. They will anything that is fruit, vegetables, or acorns and a lot of white pine(its there favorite).
Predators Deer have many predators there are Cougars Wolves Man car Lynxes and such.
Fact1 Deer have many mates every season, a big buck will mate with many does if a small one does then the fawn will grow not as healthy, but a big buck mate will have a big buck other then the small mate having a small doe or buck.
Fact2 All the deer have the same track they just are bigger or smaller. Whitetail(medium-big) Elk(big-huge) Moose(huge)
Fact3 During rut, a buck would make scrapes and that means that it would be a signal that it is there territory and if you see a lot in one area from the same buck it means it is confident that it is big and strong enough to have no other bucks in it’s territory if he’s not then the bigger buck will take the land back and hurt the smaller one. (Scrapes can also be in the ground the deer would pee and stomp in it with there hoofs.)
Fact4 Deer are members of the order Artiodactyle, which means that they have hoofs with an even number of toes same with elk, moose, mule deer and every type of deer in the deer family.
Glossary Buck(male deer) Doe(female deer) Fawn(newborn deer) Predator(there eating enemy) Cougars(a predator) Wolf(a predator) Lynxes(a predator) Herbivores(only eats plants) Rut(mating Season) Scrapes(a scraped tree to mark territory) Territory(owned land) Washington(state)
Glossary 2 Washington(state) Texas(state) Nevada(state) Arizona(state) North Carolina(state) Northeastern(northeast part of the U.S.A) White pine(tree) Moose(in deer family) Elk(in deer family) Whitetail(whitetail deer) Artiodactyle(it means that they have hoofs with an even number of toes)
BYE THANK YOU FOR READING MY DOCUMENT Chris P.S.-Every different colored word in a sentence is a glossary word.