10Science7 30 Pipiri 2014 What we will do What we will learn Preliminaries and roll, including Quick Quiz The importance of starting well Work on new Scipad pages while Mr H assesses our practical skills one at a time How to master the “language” of circuits Practise drawing a circuit diagram from Mr H’s circuits The skill of drawing circuit diagrams from a circuit Revisit the explanation of the paths of the electrons around the circuits and the role of the Power Pack How to answer “explain” questions, possibly with a combination of words & pictures Revisit the discussion of the power outputs of the lamps in two circuits that Mr H makes. How to tackle tough exam-style questions Set some Scipad pages AND get have some HRT while getting older work marked How to make good use of time.
Today is Jasmine Z’s birthday Important Notice
HW item Skills practiced Scipad pages 99 – 107, 113 – 120, 122 and 123 Due Monday 14 April 2014 How to read measuring scales well, Forces, Mass and Motion Scipad pages 8 – 12 and 14 Due Fri 23 rd of May 2014 Physical and Chemical Changes Structure of the Atom Scipad pages , 24 and 25 Due Friday 6 th of June 2014 Chemical equations, ions, balancing charges, balancing equations End Of Topic Test: Atomic Structure Due Tuesday 3 rd of June 2014 Atomic Structure Scipad pages 67 – 83 but not 72 Due Wed 23 rd of July 2014 Electricity
As requested by Jemima and Jas Kitchen: Voltage is defined as a difference in the electrical potential energies between two places. Current is defined as the flow or movement of charged particles (usually electrons). Voltage is measured in Volts (Joules per Coulomb) Current is measured in Amperes, Amps or Coulombs per second
Team hands-on job one Using either a power pack or an outlet plus two lamps and a switch, make a series circuit with all components in it. Team hands-on job two Using either a power pack or an outlet plus lamps, wires and a switch, make a parallel circuit with two branches. In one branch have a switch and a lamp. In the other branch, have two lamps in series.