The person who walks through the world and sees no God, is declared by inspired authority to be a fool. But the wise man’s eyes, with an inner sight, discovers God at work everywhere.
Psalm 115:3 Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases. Psalm 135:6 Whatever the LORD pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps.
Though God may at times seem distant, but He is always actively at work. Though absent by name from this book, God is present in every scene and in the movement of every event, until He brings everything to a marvelous climax as He proves Himself Lord and Savior of His people.
What you have in Esther is not a whole lot of miracles. There is nothing like the Red Sea opening up, or the walls of Jericho falling down. But you do have all kinds of interwoven circumstances as God works His will.
The root meaning of providence is foresight It also assumes activity arising from foresight There is only One who has foresight, so only He is able to act on the basis of foreknowledge. Divine foreknowledge and the Divine activity which arises from it.
This is what we see demonstrated in the Book of Esther. The crisis about which the book is written is providentially anticipated and then providentially overruled at just the crucial moment.
Esther is set on the stage of real history Ahasuerus, the Persian monarch; Vashti, the deposed queen; Haman, the Jew-hater; Mordecai, the Jewish leader; Esther, the orphaned Jewish girl who became queen.
By the king's command each guest was allowed to drink in his own way, for the king instructed all the wine stewards to serve each man what he wished. (NIV)
Xerxes was under the control of wine Xerxes was a proud man Xerxes sought to selfishly promote her Xerxes could not coerce his own queen Xerxes could not control his own heart
"Gluttony just killed that fish."
Xerxes was under the control of wine Xerxes was a proud man Xerxes sought to selfishly promote her Xerxes could not coerce his own queen ______could not control his own heart
Do not be controlled with strong drink or anything else. Instead submit to Christ for salvation and then let the Holy Spirit take control. Be encouraged that God can even use our failures to grow our faith in Him.