Why drink? In groups of 3, try to come up with as many reasons why young people drink alcohol as you can We need 9 strong answers in total written on the paper Write each of our 9 on a scrap of paper and try to arrange into a diamond 9, ranked in order of how influential that reason is to young people
We are learning today about alcohol All pupils will be able to list 5 health risks that are associated with drinking alcohol Most pupils will be able to describe some of the potentially dangerous situations that can be caused by drinking too much alcohol Some pupils will be able to explain some of the symptoms of alcohol poisoning and know how to help someone who is suffering from it
What happened? Amy visits her Dad in Bognor Regis on her own Going out to a bar and get refused entry because Amy is underage House party with lots of alcohol Amy feels uncomfortable with the unwanted attention from Sonny Was alcohol a major factor in the programme?
True or False? 1) Alcohol is a stimulant drug? 2) Drinking alcohol always makes you feel relaxed? 3) If you drink alcohol regularly you may find you rely on it to solve problems? 4) Drinking a lot of alcohol makes you feel more confident and happy on a night out? 5) Drinking alcohol can lead to long-term mental health problems? 6)Drinking alcohol helps you get on better with friends?
How can alcohol make you feel in the short term? With a partner make a list of all the ways alcohol can effect you. Nausea? Hangover? Memory loss? Alcohol poisoning? Tiredness? Poor muscle control Blurred vision Slurred speech
Alcohol Poisoning - Check List of signs Breathing is not normal, it is either too slow or too fast. The person is extremely confused or cannot be woken up. There is severe vomiting. The person is very cold to the touch, not normal. They have gone very pale and their skin looks blue.
What to do?! DO: Try to keep them sitting up and awake Give them water if they are able to drink Lay them on their side in the recovery position if they’ve passed out Keep them warm Stay with them and monitor their symptoms Dial 999 for an ambulance if you are in any doubt
What sort of accidents can people have after too much alcohol? With a partner make a list of all the accidents you can think of. Falling over? Passing out? Being run over? Ripping clothes? Vulnerability?
What other issues can be caused by drinking too much alcohol? With a partner make a list of all the ways alcohol can effect you. Losing possessions? Fighting with friends? Getting in trouble with the police? Parents? Getting in a strangers car? Loosing rational thought?!
Role Play Group size: 3-4 You will need to pick three scenarios to act out in front of your class. Pick three that join together well to make a story. The rest of the class will have to guess which ones you have acted out. Remember, all these events happened after someone had been out ‘binge drinking’ i.e. Drinking more than the recommended daily allowance.
THE SHORT TERM EFFECTS.... Slurred speech Drowsiness Vomiting Headaches Distorted vision & hearing Impaired judgement Decreased perception and co-ordination Breathing difficulties Unconsciousness
Homer has been drinking 10 Duff’s a day for several years... What effect could this have on his body? The long term effects can be: damage to the cells in the brain Liver damage /cancer Stomach ulcers / damage Heart disease Muscle weakness Intestinal cancer Impotence / Infertility Death!
Plenary 1) Alcohol is a stimulant drug. True or False? 2) Drinking alcohol always makes you feel relaxed. True or False? 3) If you drink alcohol regularly you may find you rely on it to solve problems. True or False? 4) How can you tell if someone has alcohol poisoning? 5) How can you help someone who has alcohol poisoning? 6) Name five ways alcohol can effect your body? 7) List three accidents that could happen due to drinking too much alcohol?
We are learning today about alcohol All pupils will be able to list 5 health risks that are associated with drinking alcohol Most pupils will be able to describe some of the potentially dangerous situations that can be caused by drinking too much alcohol Some pupils will be able to explain some of the symptoms of alcohol poisoning and know how to help someone who is suffering from it