Free Music Editing Software A UDACITY
W HAT IS A UDACITY ? Audacity is an audio editor. It is free and can be downloaded from Audacity is cross-platform which means it will run on several operating systems including: Max OS X; Microsoft Windows; and GNU/Linux. B Y M ARGARET L ION FOR P200
V IEW A UDACITY B Y M ARGARET L ION FOR P200 A.Editing Tools B.Audio Control Buttons C.Meter Toolbar D.Mixer Toolbar E.Edit Toolbar F.Timeline G.Audio Track AB C D E F G Information taken from Podcasting: The Basics
O PEN A F ILE I N A UDACITY Click File, then Open. Select the.aup file you want. Click Open in the Select one or more audio files… window. Your file will open in Audacity, ready for editing. B Y M ARGARET L ION FOR P200
I MPORT A F ILE I N A UDACITY Click File, then Open. Select the.mp3 file you want. Click Open in the Select one or more audio files… window. Your file will open in Audacity, ready for editing. NOTE: Audacity can also edit other sound files types. B Y M ARGARET L ION FOR P200
A UDACITY & F ILES T YPES B Y M ARGARET L ION FOR P200 Audacity creates files with the.aup extension. You will need to convert your.aup file to.mp3. You will use Audacity to convert the file into the.mp3 format.
A UDACITY ONLINE TUTORIALS Sourceforge Tutorials /tutorials.html 1.2/tutorials.html Cut, Copy and Paste in Audacity /tutorial_ed_beginner2.html 1.2/tutorial_ed_beginner2.html B Y M ARGARET L ION FOR P200
A UDACITY R ESOURCES About Audacity Audacity on Wikipedia Class textbook B Y M ARGARET L ION FOR P200