K-12 Web Archiving Project NDIIPP Partner Meeting July 10, 2008
About the Pilot Project Sponsors Sponsors – Internet Archive – CDL -- Calisphere – LC – NDIIPP and TPS Modest Objectives Modest Objectives – Create “time capsules” of Web content from a kid’s perspective – Raise awareness of transitory nature of Web content –See what happens
Guidelines Use IA’s Archive-It service Use IA’s Archive-It service Target geographically diverse schools Target geographically diverse schools Begin and end during school year Begin and end during school year Let schools decide on organization and selection of sites Let schools decide on organization and selection of sites Ask for students to explain choices of sites Ask for students to explain choices of sites
Teaching with Primary Sources 20 partners across 8 states 20 partners across 8 states Focus on using the Library’s historical collections of primary sources to spark inquiry Focus on using the Library’s historical collections of primary sources to spark inquiry Help students to understand the changing nature of primary sources in a digital world Help students to understand the changing nature of primary sources in a digital world Think critically about how primary sources define an era Think critically about how primary sources define an era
The Project….. Archive-It collections Archive-It collections Archive-It collections Archive-It collections Miramonte HS Blog Miramonte HS Blog Miramonte HS Blog Miramonte HS Blog
Feedback Do you think your web site collection as a whole does a good job of representing your generation? Do you think your web site collection as a whole does a good job of representing your generation? –We were allowed to archive whatever we wanted to and we chose a wide variety of things. –It gives little snapshots. Youth culture is so diverse that trying to say “this collection represents teenagers” is really very ignorant.
Feedback What was the main thing you learned? What was the main thing you learned? –I learned that websites grow and change in ways you wouldn’t notice at first. –I learned how to teach people around me by educating them with what inspires my life daily. –I learned that our culture is based a lot on consumerism.
Feedback What most surprised/interested you about this project? What most surprised/interested you about this project? –I was surprised at how many news and politics websites high school students look at. –I enjoyed looking for sites as well as seeing everyone’s choices and how they reflected their lives and personalities.
Student Lessons Learned Understanding both the permanence and non-permanence of web content Understanding both the permanence and non-permanence of web content Importance of primary sources Importance of primary sources Students from diverse areas share many commonalities Students from diverse areas share many commonalities Common interests despite cultural and geographic diversity Common interests despite cultural and geographic diversity
Questions for the NDIIPP Partners Does this seem like a useful effort to continue? Does this seem like a useful effort to continue? What would make this more interesting/useful? What would make this more interesting/useful? Are there other kinds of audiences we should be targeting for similar efforts? Are there other kinds of audiences we should be targeting for similar efforts?