RN New Hires Socialization Nursing Best People & Professional Excellence Committee Presented at Patient Care Manager and Director Meeting November 5, 2008
RN New Hires Socialization Background information: Literature findings: Replacing 1 RN costs $45K – $60K 87 – 90% retention rates reported after 1 year in residency-like programs Program costs per RN about $1-2 K per participant NMH data: 57 RN voluntary terminations within first year or about 24% of all terms 62% of new hires are between 22 and 30 years old 65% < one year of stay occurred within the first 6 months If save 1-2 new RN you pay for this program Journal for Nurses in Staff Development, Volume 22(2), March/April 2006, pp 70-77, pp Journal of Nursing Administration, Volume 36(12) December 2006
RN New Hires Socialization Program Goals: – Increase sense of belonging to the organization – Reduce voluntary terminations in year one of new hires by 50% – Enhance Habits for Excellence and Critical Care Institute outcomes – Bring together newly hired RN from across NMH – Results reporting from 3, 6, 9 months data collection regarding job satisfaction and self assessment of competency – Results reporting at 12 months of program evaluation
RN New Hires Socialization Program Overview Targeting new hires between the ages of 22 – 30 years old (total of 228 in FY 07) Two pronged approach: Purposeful activities including: – Introduction to facility resources, “Getting to know NMH” – Outings to local venues, “Getting to know your neighborhood” To run over 12 months with 2 starts per year: September and February Mentors will be assigned 3-5 new hires for program duration Frequency of formal offerings: Q month X 6, then at 9 and 12 months At 3, 6, 9, months a questionnaire will be distributed to ask participants about the likelihood of leaving NMH, satisfaction with job, extent see self as competent RN, friendships (best friend at work), organizational commitment At 12 months a full evaluation of program
RN New Hires Socialization Additional Program Details: Mentor role per job description: Role model, facilitator, educator, coach, support person, program evaluator Mentors will have an orientation and have predetermined expectations including group leader on community excursions, informal routine contact with individual new hires Examples of morning presentations: Pain Service, Psychiatry CL Service, Ostomy Nurse, Case Studies, RN MD communication, Managing Team member conflict, Dealing with Challenging patient/family communication, Delegation, Leadership Examples of community activities: Navy Pier, Millennium Park, volunteer at neighborhood soup kitchen, scavenger hunt around NU campus
RN New Hires Socialization Assigned Responsibilities: Organizing the morning programs: NM Academy and/or Professional Development December selection of mentors: Written application to departmental Shared Leadership Councils January orientation of mentors: NM Academy Overall program and activity planning: Professional Develop and NBP/PE committee Participant surveys and data collection: HR
RN New Hires Socialization Salary Costs: 1. Salary coverage for select new hires as program participants: to be absorbed in orientation costs by each unit : 6 hrs X 8 day/yr 2. Salary coverage for mentors for orientation and 4 hrs X 8 day/yr TBD Activities Budget: $250 - $300 per participant for: 1. Breakfasts 2. Outings 3. Other
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