Teacher Orientation August, 2011 Brazosport Independent School District Professional Development and Appraisal System
This presentation provides an overview of the elements of the PDAS system and its goal: “…to improve student performance through the professional development of teachers.”
Teacher Orientation Teacher Self Report (TSR) Formal Classroom Observation Walkthroughs Student Performance as seen in Campus Performance Rating and AYP Summative Annual Report/Conference Appraisal Process Steps
Adopted by the School Board Excludes the first three weeks of instruction Prohibits observations of the last day of instruction before any official school holiday Indicates a period of summative annual conferences which ends no later than 15 working days before the last day of instruction for students Appraisal Calendar…..
Completion of Section I of the TSR form shall be available to your principal using Eduphoria, 3 weeks after initial training has been completed Revision of Section I and completion of Sections II and III shall be available to your principal on Eduphoria two weeks prior to the summative annual conference Teacher’s Self Report Form…
Appraisals, Data Sources, and Conferences…. A teacher shall be appraised once per school year. Less frequent appraisal may occur if the teacher: o Agrees in writing o Is rated least proficient, or the equivalent o Has no area of deficiency BISD Waiver Deferment o available at the Principal’s Discretion o 1 year term
Minimum of 1 classroom observation of at least 45 min o May be conducted in shorter time segments by mutual consent o Advance notice of the date or time of an observation may be supplied, but is not required Walkthroughs can take place any time during the year and may be any length the appraiser feels is necessary A written summary of each observation o Provided by appraiser within 10 days of completion o Pre and post observation conference conducted at the request of the teacher or appraiser Your appraisal includes…
Documentation of cumulative data: Evaluation and documentation of teacher performance specifically related to the PDAS domain criteria Cumulative data of written documentation collected regarding job-related teacher performance and shall be recorded in Eduphoria by the assigned appraiser Written summative annual appraisal report Summative annual conference Third-party information must be verified, documented and shared within 10 working days of the appraiser’s knowledge Your Appraisal Includes….
The written summative shall be placed in the teacher’s personnel file. Unless waived in writing by the teacher, a summative conference shall be held within a time frame and no later than 15 working days before the last day of instruction. Any documentation collected after the summative conference but before the end of the contract term may be considered as part of the teacher’s appraisal. Summative Conferences……
Domain I: Active, Successful Student Participation in the Learning Process Evaluation Dimensions: Quantity and quality of active student participation in the learning process is evident. Students are challenged by instruction and make connections to work and life applications, both within the discipline and with other disciplines
Domain II: Learner-Centered Instruction The instructional content: is based on appropriate goals and objectives. includes basic knowledge and skills, as well as central themes and concepts, both within the discipline and with other disciplines. The instructional strategies are aligned with learning objectives and activities, student needs, and work and life applications, both connected between differing content areas The instructional strategies promote application of learning through critical thinking and problem solving. The teacher uses appropriate motivational and instructional strategies which successfully and actively engage students in the learning process.
Domain III: Evaluation and Feedback on Student Progress The teacher aligns assessment and feedback with goals and objectives and instructional strategies. The teacher uses a variety of evaluation and feedback strategies which are appropriate to the varied characteristics of the students.
Domain IV: Management of Student Discipline, Instructional Strategies, Time, and Materials The teacher effectively implements the discipline-management procedures approved by the district. The teacher establishes a classroom environment which promotes and encourages self-discipline and self-directed learning. The teacher selects instructional materials which are equitable and acknowledge the varied characteristics of all students. The teacher effectively and efficiently manages time and materials.
The teacher uses appropriate and accurate written, verbal, and non-verbal modes of communication with students. The teacher uses appropriate and accurate written, verbal, and non-verbal modes of communication with parents, staff, community members, and other professionals. The teacher’s interactions are supportive, courteous, respectful, and encouraging to students who are reluctant and having difficulty. Domain V: Professional Communication
The teacher determines and participates in professional development goals and activities that are aligned with the goals of the campus and the goals of the district. The teacher correlates professional development activities with assigned subject content and the varied needs of students. The teacher exhibits a willingness to collaborate with colleagues and other professionals for continuous growth and development. The teacher correlates professional development activities with the prior performance appraisal. Domain VI: Professional Development
The teacher determines and participates in professional development goals and activities that are aligned with the goals of the campus and the goals of the district. The teacher correlates professional development activities with assigned subject content and the varied needs of students. The teacher exhibits a willingness to collaborate with colleagues and other professionals for continuous growth and development. The teacher correlates professional development activities with the prior performance appraisal. Domain VI: Professional Development
The teacher contributes to making the whole school safe and orderly, and a stimulating learning environment for children. The teacher respects the rights of students, parents, colleagues, and the community. Domain VII: Compliance With Policies, Operating Procedures and Requirements
The Teacher Shall: Diagnose student needs and provide performance feedback related to all appropriate TEKS/STAAR objectives. Align the planning and delivery of instruction to all appropriate TEKS/STAAR objectives Collaborate with other faculty and administration to improve STAAR-related performance of all students on the campus. Identify students who are at-risk and develop appropriate strategies to assist these students. Monitor the attendance of all students and intervene to promote regular attendance. Domain VIII: Improvement of Academic Performance of All Students On The Campus
Scoring Criteria Guide Components Evaluation Criteria Include: Critical Attributes Quality Quantity
Domain Scoring Factors and Performance Level Standards…. CRITICAL ATTRIBUTES… Words and expressions used in each of the criteria in the appraisal framework and Domain descriptions which convey the central meaning of the criteria, i.e., that behavior which is to be evaluated.
Strength… Thinking at high cognitive levels Depth & Complexity Significant Content Connecting within/across differing content areas & work/life applications Effective, clear & substantive Domain Scoring Factors and Performance Level Standards ….QUALITY
Impact… Promotes student success Effective use of assessments Data-driven decision making Responsibility Reflection Challenging Domain Scoring Factors and Performance Level Standards ….QUALITY
Variety… Varied student characteristics Differentiated instruction Support strategies & services Domain Scoring Factors and Performance Level Standards ….QUALITY
Alignment… Curriculum, instruction and assessment Aligned with TEKS & district objectives Targeted instruction Congruent Domain Scoring Factors and Performance Level Standards ….QUALITY
Quantity of time/number of students with which the critical attributes are exhibited Can you see it? Did it happen? How often is it happening? How many students? o Frequency counts and/or percentage of time are determined by the appraiser during a classroom observation Domain Scoring Factors and Performance Level Standards ….QUANTITY…
o During a classroom observation, the appraiser: o Identifies evidence of the criteria o Looks at the frequency with which the criteria exists o Looks at the percentage of time that the criteria exists o Looks at the percentage of students that the criteria are affecting Domain Scoring Factors and Performance Level Standards ….QUANTITY…
Quantity Statement- o The number of students and/or the frequency of students and/or the frequency of student success o Descriptors o Descriptors-consistently, occasionally, and rarely/never Almost all of the Time (90%-100%) Most of the Time (80%-89%) Some of the Time (50%-79%) Less Than Half of the Time (0%-49%) Domain Scoring Factors and Performance Level Standards ….QUANTITY…
Teacher in Need of Assistance… A teacher whose performance meets any of the following circumstances will be designated as a “teacher in need of assistance”: o A teacher who is evaluated as unsatisfactory in one or more domains o A teacher who is evaluated as below expectations in two or more domains
The teacher in need and the appraiser shall develop an intervention plan that includes: o Domain(s) that designate a teacher as in need o Directives or recommendations for professional improvement activities for improvement o Evidence that is used to determine successful completion of professional improvement activities o Directives for changes in teacher behavior Intervention Plans….
Evidence that is used to determine if teacher behavior has changed Specific timeline for successful completion In cases when the teacher’s appraiser is not the teacher’s principal, the principal shall be involved in the development and evaluation of the intervention plan. Intervention Plans continued….
A teacher who has not met all requirements of the intervention plan by the time specified may be considered for separation from the assignment, campus, and/or district. The intervention plan shall include options and at least one option shall not place a significant financial burden on the teacher of the school district. An intervention plan may be developed at any time at the discretion of the appraiser Intervention Plans continued….
Teacher Response and Appeals A teacher may submit a written response or rebuttal at the following times: After receiving a written observation summary or written documentation associated with the appraisal After receiving a written summative annual appraisal report Any written response must be submitted within 10 working days – at the discretion of the appraiser, the time period by be extended to 15 days
The second appraisal must be requested within 10 working days of receiving a written observation summary or a written summative annual appraisal A teacher may be given advance notice of the date or time of a second appraisal, but advance notice is not required. Teacher Response and Appeals cont….
The Second appraisal shall include o Evidence of performance in all Domains o Observation and Walk-Through Data o Documentation from the Teacher’s Self Report Form o Provide Domain Scores to initial appriaser for a cumulative total average for summative report Each school district shall adopt written procedures for a teacher to present grievances and receive written comments in response to the written annual report. Teacher Response and Appeals cont….
Are your professional and instructional practices “Linked-In” to your evaluation system and BISD expectations?
References: Training Materials: Letter to the PDAS Trainer Addressed PDAS Teacher Manual PDAS Teacher Orientation Trainer Notes PDAS Teacher Orientation Slides