Community Response Fund Community Response Fund Overview of Application Process
Community Response Fund Purpose of Workshop To help you: understand the criteria and what information the panels need to assess your application clarify the application process ask questions
Community Response Fund The Criteria Two specific criteria relating to the economic downturn: a) severe financial difficulty b) significantly increased demand You can apply for either or both If applying under b) priority will be given to those who can show they are working with other providers to develop an innovative service response All applicants must meet the nine general criteria Criteria are embedded in each question
Community Response Fund Are you a critical service? You need to tell us about your organisation why your service qualifies as a critical service what you do to deliver that service Evidence can include organisational information such as: – goals – size – services – systems – structures – finances IT IS MANDATORY TO INCLUDE THE LAST TWO YEARS OF AUDITED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS AND VALID CURRENT REFEREES
Community Response Fund Is the Downturn Affecting You? Be clear about the impact of the recession is having on your organisation – you can’t deliver services because you have lost funding (ie severe financial difficulty) – you don’t have the resources to keep up with the level of demand for your service (significantly increased demand) You may be experiencing both these things
Community Response Fund Severe Financial Difficulty Q2a purpose: how do we know you are in financial trouble You need to tell us: your funding sources which ones you have lost and why why this means you can’t maintain current levels of service Evidence must include: last two years of audited annual accounts current cash flow and budget evidence of lost funding steps taken to address the shortfall
Community Response Fund Significant Increase in Demand Q2b purpose: how do we know your demand has increased You need to tell us: how demand for your services has increased – type of demand – number of clients now versus 12 months ago – increased waiting lists /referrals how you are coping with that demand – more staff or volunteers – longer hours worked – other things you are doing to manage increased demand
Community Response Fund Working Smarter This could apply if your application under 2 (b) increased demand for services includes an innovative response You need to tell us: – your innovative approach – how you are working with other providers to better meet demand Evidence can include: – proposals for provider consortia – details of organisational mergers
Community Response Fund What’s Happening in your Community? Q3 purpose - how well do you know your community Is the economic downturn affecting families in your community? Business closures? Significant job losses? Evidence can include: surveys, community reports, evaluations local intelligence
Community Response Fund Community Capacity Q4 purpose – Who else provides similar services to yours in your community? do you have connections to them? can they help you meet your excess demand? how do you know this? Evidence can include: s/letters requesting help and their response referrals/waiting lists at each agency
Community Response Fund Working Together Q5 purpose - how connected are you to your community? How closely do you work with other organisations providing critical social services? How do you promote volunteering? How do you promote collaboration and a shared approach? Who did you consult with to prepare this application? Evidence can include: membership in community networks MOU’s saying how you work together resource sharing collaborations and joint operations
Community Response Fund Your Funding Q 6 purpose - what are your sources of funding? List of your funding sources and amounts – List each source separately The total amount should reconcile to that in your budget
Community Response Fund Achieving Results Q7 purpose – what are the results this extra funding will achieve Severe financial need What services will you be able to retain How many clients will benefit and how Increased demand What outcomes will you be seeking for the extra clients How do you know you will actually achieve these results? How will you measure them?
Community Response Fund Summary of Costs Q8 - purpose of funding Provide a budget summarising how you would spend the additional money.
Community Response Fund The Process Applications forms available from: – – MSD regional offices – FACS and CYF regional offices – Call to request a copy or ask a question Make sure form is completed in full 2 people to sign All supporting documentation attached Keep any other documentation to a minimum Send original signed application form to Family and Community Services National Office, Wellington (address is on the application form)
Community Response Fund The Process MSD may contact the following organisations to provide more information about your application: other government agencies other funding organisations private people or organisations
Community Response Fund The Process Regional panels make recommendations Moderated at a national level Final decisions made – A Letter of Offer sent to successful applicants – A decline letter sent to unsuccessful applicants Letter of Offer accepted Grants issued mid to late September 2009
Community Response Fund More Help Funding advisors from the following organisations can help you with your applications – MSD funding advisors – FACS/CYF/MYD/W&I – MPIA – TPK – Federation of Budgeting Services
Community Response Fund More Information Visit Contact your regional funding adviser, if you are already funded by the Ministry of Social Development Call to speak to a person who can tell you more about the Fund or can send you an application form us