Building Relationships Chapter 9 Working With Others Lesson 9.1 Building Relationships
The key to getting along with others Discover The key to getting along with others How to build relationships with other people continued
The part self-esteem plays in relationships Discover The part self-esteem plays in relationships How to deal with conflicts between people
Why It’s Important Getting along with others will help you at home, at school, and on the job.
relationships respect empathize self-esteem conflict prejudice Key Terms relationships respect empathize self-esteem conflict prejudice continued
Key Terms mediator compromise conflict resolution
Building Relationships Think about all your relationships—your connections or dealings with other people.
Building Relationships The key to getting along with people is respect, or consideration for others.
Respect Is the Key Employers take social skills seriously. They know that employees who have social skills have the key to good relationships in the workplace.
Getting Along With Others When you get along with coworkers and others at work, you will do a better job. You will also enjoy your work more.
Graphic Organizer Ways to Build Relationships continued Treat people as you would like to be treated. Be thoughtful and considerate. Try to understand the other person’s side. Empathize—Try to see things from the other person’s point of view and understand his or her situation. Speak carefully. Think of the way others will feel when they hear what you have to say. continued
Listen when others talk. Graphic Organizer Ways to Build Relationships Listen when others talk. Let other people know you’re interested in them. Help others. Lend a hand if you see someone having trouble doing something. Be friendly. Be pleasant and smile. Have a sense of humor. Find ways to see the light side of a situation.
Getting Along With Yourself How you feel about yourself—your self-esteem—affects how you get along with others. Self-esteem is your recognition and regard for yourself and your abilities.
Dealing With Conflict Even when people do their best to get along, conflicts can arise. A conflict is a strong disagreement.
Causes of Conflicts Conflicts have a variety of causes. Some are based on misunderstandings.
Causes of Conflicts Other conflicts come about because people have different beliefs or opinions, or because of gossip and teasing, or jealousy.
Causes of Conflicts Prejudice is another cause of conflict. Prejudice is a negative attitude toward a person or group that is not based on facts or reason.
Resolving Conflicts No matter what its cause, a conflict is like any other problem. To deal with a conflict, you need good problem-solving skills.
Resolving Conflicts If you can’t agree, you may need to ask someone to act as a mediator. A mediator is someone who helps opposing people or groups compromise, or reach an agreement.
Resolving Conflicts At work, a step-by-step process called conflict resolution may be used to settle disagreements.
Graphic Organizer Steps in Conflict Resolution 1. Define the problem. Take turns describing the problem from different points of view. 1. Define the problem. Offer solutions to the problem. 2. Suggest possible solutions. Discuss the suggested solutions. 3. Evaluate possible solutions. Brainstorm possible compromises. Then try to agree to a compromise solution. 4. Come to a compromise. Invite a third person to listen and make suggestions for a solution. 5. Get another point of view. Ask a mediator to make the final decision. 6. Ask someone else to decide.
Preventing Conflicts When you feel yourself getting angry, try these ways of cooling off: Take a deep breath and count to 10. Go for a walk or do something else that is physical. continued
Preventing Conflicts Laugh it off and walk away. Take a few minutes to have a “talk” with yourself. Remind yourself of the reasons you don’t want to get angry.
Critical Thinking Review Can you have good relationships with other people if you have low self-esteem? Explain. If you are not positive and respectful to yourself, you will have a much more difficult time being positive and respectful toward other people. Critical Thinking Q A continued
Critical Thinking Review How does learning to do something new help increase your self-esteem? When you learn to do something new, you realize what you are capable of doing, and the experience gives you confidence in yourself. Critical Thinking Q A
Building Relationships End of Chapter 9 Working With Others Lesson 9.1 Building Relationships