Travis Warringt on Dual Degree (MA) Candidate in Sustainable International Development & Coexistence and Conflict Using Social Media for Professional Success: Blog and Newswire Workshop
1. What blogs are 2. Why to read them 3. How to find blogs 4. Aggregation of blogs › How to access the aggregate › Other ways of collecting blogs 5. Your own blog 6. Various blogs 7. Final Advice March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
"A blog (a blend of the term ‘web-log’) is a type of website or part of a website. Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse- chronological order. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog“. (Wikipedia) March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
Blogs are… Here/now, in the constant present and in the future Custom niche journalism based on and from personalized content from experts Each blog piece are opinions based on data, articles, books, and/or personal experiences Citizen journalism that can be done by anyone, not just practitioners or scholars March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
We already have plenty of reading to do, but… Articles by academics; blogs are written by practitioners News with a critiqued twist ‘Get smart’ in your field “Academics, journalists, donors, Washington think tank-ers, UN or NGO staff — they all bounce ideas around here”. March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
Why fundraisers should read development blogsWhy fundraisers should read development blogs by Richendag of World Vision Better understand your “Product” Donors want more…share your insights (from reading blogs) with the info-hungry donors Stay current in your field Also see: Why aid and development workers should be reading blogs by Linda Raftree of Plan InternationalWhy aid and development workers should be reading blogs March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
Gain information on… Interesting/current subjects circa:1 mill. shirts, World Vision Super Bowl Shirts, evaluation of Millennium Villages, analysis of Indexes, etc. Subjects create debates Influence policy March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
1. What professionals/scholars/field practitioners are doing with their lives? › Many blogs exists about subjects that interests you 2. Pick a topic you are passionate about, or want more information on. 3. Search for your keywords of interest at: › › March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1 Steps
Many blogs on topics of interest revolving around either one or a few topics. New posts for blog published often (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.). “So, need to check each blog every day for new posts?” Nope! March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
‘ R eally S imple S yndication’ Managing the informational flow Used on most websites for newest entries for news headlines, audio, video and BLOGS! Use feed aggregator for subscriptions. Look for this orange symbol, click and follow. March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
Subscribe by › Con: Adding to the already horrendous amount to your normal Or, other feed aggregators: › › › › › Guardian Development: has a feed of bloggers that include all the essentials. That is an easy place to check every so often without having to set up an RSS. For iPhone: MobileRSS or PulseMobileRSS March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
Not only are blogs a great way to learn new things and hear different opinions it's a great way for you to establish your online presence and brand! We all have opinions that matter. Share them with the world and get your message out there! Blogs are a perfect way to start. March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
Free blog setups Blogger WordPress Blog MyBlogSite ThoughtsBravenet March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
Development/Aid Aid Watch Aid Watch Good Intentions are Not Enough Good Intentions are Not Enough Chris Blattman Chris Blattman From Poverty to Power From Poverty to Power Owen Abroad Owen Abroad Tales From the Hood Tales From the Hood Find What Works Find What Works Public Policy Women Impacting Public Policy Women Impacting Public Policy Nonprofit/ Business Aspiration: NonProfit Management & Operation Aspiration: NonProfit Management & Operation March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
Conflict War is Boring War is Boring Early Warning Early Warning Development + Conflict World Bank World Bank Dan Smith’s Blog Dan Smith’s Blog NGO/Donor agencies Innovations for Poverty Action Innovations for Poverty Action Peace Dividend Trust Peace Dividend Trust International Health Global Health Hub Global Health Hub Global Health Blog Global Health Blog Conflict Health Conflict Health Healthy Lives Healthy Lives Need more ideas, ask me or Google it March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
Addictive, and may cut into school work & social life Excellent way to get a more nuanced version of current events globally Good way to network and find out about events too March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1
Contact Info My My blogs: › Peace Corps blog (‘08-’10): › Current blog/website: me: warrint (at) brandeis (dot) com Blog terminology: March 17, :15 - 1:45pm G1