That hospital that you just saw is a Victorian hospital some passions hat to sleep on the flare and the banged never got changed image that as well as being sick
SCHOOL!! In the Victorian times The teachers were strict And they carried a Cain Some school were boy Or girl schools
THE CAIN OF DOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!! The Cain was a peace of wood. They would wac You with it
CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAYS Our Christmas celebrations started in the Victorian times. Instead of sweets they used fruit.
THE CHRISTMAS PUDDING They would put a six pens in the pudding and the person who got the six pens would have good luck all year Before eating the pudding they would seat fire to it reminding them not to set fire to the chimney
CHIMNEY SWEEPING Children always and always got really dirty and brought a sweep Brush which can help clean clean the chimney.
HERE ARE SOME GOOD WEBSITES Here is bbc victoriahttp:// ls/primaryhistory/victorian_britain/ Woodlands Kent /life.htm
GOOD WEBSITES Bbc quiz orian_schools/
THANK YOU Thank you for watching From Caitlin and Gabriel