The most effective slogans Lynette. Lin 林立婷 生科三甲
Nike--- Just do it. Nike is a company of selling sports products. “Just do it” This slogan make people feel very positive and active. It would make people to feel like to work out more and they may think: ” Okay, I am going to do it, I am going to achieve my goal.” It’s really positive and impressive.
SK II--- 你可以再靠近一點 SK II is a cosmetics and skin care products selling company. This slogan means “You can get closer.” which implies people if one use their products people cannot see any flaw on the face. This slogan is really good because it used implication in the slogan make people think and it speak out that every woman wants. Every woman wants no flaw on the face.
Nokia--- Connecting people. Nokia is a cell phone company, and cell phone is for communication with others. This slogan is very nice. It told people clearly that what cell phone for, connecting people so it is a very clear and it told people what the company for.
T-Mobile--- Stick together. T-Mobile is an American cell phone company. Not only for selling cell phones but also this company acts like a telecommunication company. This is a pretty interesting slogan which can impress people and it also tells what cell phone for, stick people together! It is similar with the slogan of Nokia.
ASUS---Rock solid Heart touching ASUS is a computer selling company. In my opinion, I think that “rock solid” makes me feel that this company is tough and thing they produce must be really durable. “Heart touching” would make me think that they must provide good service.