Rice Sports & Business Series March 22, 2011
Lessons From Sports “We did it for each other” “I love these guys”
Character Traits
Accountability Red Bale, end coach at Rice He held you accountable for your assignment Not just the results, but the process
Process Measurements Were you in the right place? At the right time? Did you use the right technique? If not, why not?
Bill Conway – a business mentor: If things are not successful – there are two questions to ask: Is it “you don’t know what to do” Or “you don’t know how to do it”
Overcoming Obstacles John Huff mantra when I joined OII – “out hustle the competition” Company slogan (not OII) “We deliver on time, every time, no excuses”
Special Treatment Eddie Wojeckic – legendary Rice Trainer “Don’t ask for something we can’t do for everyone.”
Optimism U.S. Olympic Team vs. Russians “But not here – not TONIGHT”
Details Matter Opportunity is everywhere Defense – wins games – hard work – practice – every play counts
Set Long Term Goals Get Stronger - Better Practice 10,000 hours to reach world-class
Overall Strategy What is the game plan? Execute when it counts!
Performance Your job is not an entitlement. There is always somebody else waiting for a chance to play your position.