Fahim’s Story
Fahim’s Personal Info
When Fahim was 27 years old he left Afghanistan because he was being hunted down by the Taliban. He tried to escape through the united nations in Iran. Then he was arrested by the Iranian police and was sent back to Afghanistan where he originally came from.
He finally escaped by hiding in the back of a truck, and lived in hiding in Pakistan for several months. He says Hazara were not welcome in the refugee camps, and that if caught, the Pakistani police would return him to the Taliban. Finally he managed to get to Indonesia, and then by boat to Australia. He was granted refugee status and is currently staying in Australia on a Temporary Protection Visa (TPV).
It was a small, leaky fishing boat, and I though we would sink. It was the first time that we had seen a huge mass of water, because, you know, Afghanistan is a landlocked country. It was really incredible, the waves were very strong and people were saying there is no land, just water. We were thinking we could never get to Australia, because we would definitely be drowned. But if we went back we would face the Taliban.
It took six days, then the Australian Navy arrested us. It was a relief, but we were also afraid. We were taken to Darwin and searched, then flown to Woomera, where we hoped we'd be interviewed. But after a few weeks, disappointment captured all of us in detention.
I had hoped I would feel safe, but after nine months detention in Woomera, nothing remained in my heart. I had suicidal thoughts, because I knew if I was sent back the Taliban would kill me, and if I stayed here I would go crazy, and I would lose my mind and my intellect.
Bibliography ugeestories/fahim.htmhttp:// ugeestories/fahim.htm