Adult Careers Practitioners Briefing July/August, 2013
Public and free resources Accessing course information ◦ Downloading course entries ◦ Printing course entries ◦ QR codes CourseSearch and the short-listing Understanding a course entry, course codes and types The course application ◦ An overview of the registration ◦ Payment ◦ The course application Requirements for Adults: ◦ An overview Special Entry Access Scheme ◦ What is SEAS ◦ Categories ◦ Evidence Scholarships – general overview Change of preference Offers ◦ Main round ◦ Negotiated ◦ Supplementary Key dates and stay up to date All material in this presentation is copyrighted.
VTAC Website: the definitive resource for current information CourseSearch and CourseLink VTAC publications i.e. VTAC Guide 2014; ABC of Applying; Choice and VICTER ◦ Printed book, available from newsagents (RRP: $12.00 incl.GST) ◦ Online information Social media Stay up to date with timely information, provided when you need it by subscribing to one of the following: ◦ VTAC Blog - ◦ Facebook - ◦ All material in this presentation is copyrighted.
VTAC course information including course descriptions, prerequisites, extra requirements, majors etc can be accessed by: ◦ Downloading course entries to print or save to use offline on a device ◦ By using the QR code in the printed Guide to access course listings for individual institutions online ◦ By short-listing courses from CourseSearch and ing the list All material in this presentation is copyrighted.
The download can be: Saved onto a smart device for use offline. Printed Step 1: Save the PDF to your device Step 2: Open the PDF in the relevant ‘books’ section i.e. iBooks for apple. To print the VTAC Guide go to: ◦ Publications at the bottom of the VTAC Home page ◦ Open the relevant PDF section and select the most appropriate option All material in this presentation is copyrighted.
Using the print icon All material in this presentation is copyrighted. Apple device options Android device options The old fashioned computer!!
A quick response code is a barcode that can be scanned and linked directly to websites. The printed VTAC Guide includes individual QR codes for each institution (and its courses) and each chapter. This means that complete course entries are at your smart device fingertips. All material in this presentation is copyrighted.
Users with smart devices are able to access complete course detail by scanning the institutional code in the VTAC Guide. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 All material in this presentation is copyrighted.
The simple search The advanced search Choose search results i.e. Course name and/or subject name Choose institution Choose Qualification type i.e. VET or HE qualifications Choose Area of interest Choose Application method
Creating a shortlist of courses and sending them to students, parents, teachers etc A shortlist facility will also enable users to shortlist courses from CourseSearch and the list or search
To shortlist a course. Select the course you are interested in.
◦ Creating a shortlist of courses and sending them to students, parents, teachers etc ◦ A shortlist facility will also enable users to shortlist courses from CourseSearch and the list or search All material in this presentation is copyrighted.
Vocational Education Training (VET) – TAFE qualifications Higher education Certificate II Certificate III Certificate IV Diploma Advanced Diploma Note: VTAC accepts and publicises courses from Certificate II and above Undergraduate Advanced Diploma Associate Degrees Bachelor Postgraduate ◦ Masters ◦ Graduate entry teaching All material in this presentation is copyrighted.
VTAC heading: This heading is created for the VTAC Guide and CourseSearch only. Qualification, title, length: The official title of the course and number of years to complete the course. All material in this presentation is copyrighted. Campus, VTAC course code and fee-type: Only courses with applications through VTAC have VTAC course codes. These codes show which institution, campus, course and type of course fees you are applying for. Check the application method. Brief description about the course.
Major studies: Provide a broader picture of what the course is about. Should be used as a research tool. i.e. Journalism Prerequisites: Are compulsory – if a student doesn’t meet prerequisites then won’t be considered for the course. Middle-band: Provides additional bonus to the ATAR – it can assist students whose ATAR is a bit lower than the required ATAR. Selection mode: provides a broad overview of what is considered as part of the selection. Extra requirements: are compulsory requirements that must be done, in addition to applying. Must be taken seriously. All material in this presentation is copyrighted.
Two ways to apply for courses: ◦ Through VTAC ◦ Direct to institutions International students must apply for codes ending in ‘3’. An international student must be holding or obtaining an Australian temporary resident/student visa and be: ◦ a current student of a standard Australian Year 12 program or International Baccalaureate in Australia or New Zealand All material in this presentation is copyrighted.
VET course codes all end in 4 – fee determined by provider. Nothing has changed for current year 12 students, under 20. Key message to take back to students is: Year 12 students will be eligible for a government subsidised place in VET if they meet residency and are under 20 on 1 Jan All material in this presentation is copyrighted.
Register to set up a user account. Keep the VTAC ID and PIN safe. Don’t give it to anyone!! Once registered applicants can log in and make a course application. They can also: ◦ Update personal details ◦ Change preferences as many times as they like ◦ Lodge a SEAS and scholarships application ◦ Refer to messages ◦ Pay the processing fee ◦ VTAC ◦ ATAR (when released in December) ◦ Get an offer (when released in January)
Citizenship type
Residential address ◦ Always use an Australian address – if applicants are going overseas get them to check their messages from the message centre in the User account. Include a four digit PIN Confirmation for applicants before submitting:
Demonstration screens will be available after 5 August from for: ◦ The registration process ◦ Course application ◦ SEAS application ◦ Scholarships application ◦ STAT bookings ◦ Personal statement
The SEAS application is activated once the course application has been submitted.
To add course preferences: Select institution and/or course or type in the course code. To move a course on the preference list use the up/down buttons. To delete a course use the x button.
Payment is online via Debit Visa or credit card or PayPal. Applicants don’t need a PayPal account, can pay as a guest. While students should pay at the time of application, its not mandatory. Have until closing date to pay. Don’t pay, won’t be processed or be eligible for an offer or receive an ATAR statement. Processing fees: ◦ $27.00 timely (application deadline for early round offer courses). ◦ $91.00 late ◦ $ very late All material in this presentation is copyrighted.
An overview
In exceptional circumstances ◦ Where the applicant can demonstrate experience that meets the standards outlined in the prerequisites they may be considered, particularly they have: Previously completed courses that address the prerequisites at tertiary level. Demonstrate knowledge equivalent to via the Personal Statement. Sit STAT or ALSET.
The VTAC Personal statement is for applicants to provide to selection officers any information relevant to their application that was not collected as part of the VTAC course application. Access is through their VTAC user account after a course application is submitted. Tips for submitting personal statement: ◦ Only one personal statement can be submitted so applicants should address all course preferences including any added at change of preference. ◦ Check the institutions’ information pages for institution-specific instructions about how to complete the information. ◦ Applicants can preview and edit all information on their personal statement up until the closing date. ◦ Blank forms are not accepted.
Must complete and submit a personal statement if it is listed as a CY12 Extra requirement. Must complete and submit a personal statement if it is listed as a NY12 Extra requirement.
There are two versions of STAT: ◦ STAT Multiple Choice ◦ STAT Written English The STAT in Victoria is a requirement for Non-Year 12 applicants. If STAT is a requirement the test type will be listed in the course extra requirements. ◦ If STAT is a requirement for SEAS it will be listed in the SEAS chapter in the VTAC Guide and online. Lists of institutions, courses, requirements and exemptions are available at: tests/stat/need-stat.html or on pages 49 and 50 of VTAC Guide tests/stat/need-stat.html
The ALSET is a requirement for some NONY12 Law applicants at Deakin University. The purpose of ALSET is to appraise your ability to think critically about issues and understand the material given. The questions are based on a wide range of law related stimulus materials. ◦ Applicants are required to complete the ALSET if they have not completed any secondary or tertiary studies in the last 10 years and have not sat ALSET since If applicants are unsure whether or not they should sit the ALSET they should
An overview
Allows selection officers to grant special consideration to applicants for course entry whose education has been impacted by disadvantage It is not a get out of jail free card or a guarantee of getting into a course
Category 1: Personal Information and Location Age Recognition as an Indigenous Australian Living or school postcode Under represented schools (CY12 applicants only) Gender Category 2: Non-English speaking background Category 3: Difficult circumstances Category 4: Disadvantaged financial background Category 5: Disability or medical condition Category 6: SALT (La Trobe University), PPP (Victoria University) and REEP schemes (University of Ballarat) (CY12 applicants only) All material in this presentation is copyrighted.
All of the categories are on one page and it will look something like this. Applicants can fully edit their SEAS application until the deadline. All material in this presentation is copyrighted.
Applicants must be able to demonstrate that the disadvantage has impacted on their educational performance. Students who have suffered long-term disadvantage must start preparing now! ◦ Make appointments, collect supporting statements ◦ Don’t wait until the SEAS closing date it will be too late All material in this presentation is copyrighted.
If providing evidence you must be: ◦ familiar with the issue ◦ exposed to the educational impact Evidence must: ◦ be brief, to the point, corroborate the impact statement ◦ be tangible and clear about the issue ◦ provide a timeframe for the disadvantage Note: If this is the first time you’ve heard about the disadvantage you’re probably not the right person to write the statement of support
Last year students were disadvantaged by poor statements of support e.g. ◦ “Call me for more details” ◦ “The student has told me” ◦ “The school is aware of the circumstances” – if this is so, be explicit! VTAC will not contact the school! ◦ Vague support i.e. not mentioning the circumstance ◦ Generic statements that didn’t differentiate between student impact when a group is affected
“See scholarships” “See above” – referring to another category Blank impact statements (assuming statement of support is sufficient) “Contact me for details” “Long winded”
Everyone is encouraged to answer yes to Category 1. ◦ Be proactive. ◦ Expose applicants to the other categories For CY12 students tragedies in the last few days before SEAS closes are better handled by the VCAA exam allowance rather than SEAS: ◦ Using the VCAA process alleviates pressure for generic statements ◦ Generic statements don’t help your students Remember: It is easier to edit something that exists rather than create a new file.
Encourage all applicants to apply for scholarships. There are scholarships through VTAC and direct to institutions. They are not just for smart kids, there are lots of access and equity scholarships too. While no-one is guaranteed a scholarship, we can guarantee that if applicants don’t apply, they won’t be considered. All material in this presentation is copyrighted.
Institutional Access and Equity Scholarships Merit scholarships Commonwealth Indigenous scholarships Other scholarships not through VTAC The scholarships application opens: 9.00 am, Monday 5 August 2013 and closes at 5.00 pm, Friday 18 October 2013 All material in this presentation is copyrighted.
An overview
Change of preference opens on 9am Monday 5 August and closes at 5pm on 25 October 2013 for courses making offers in the early round. All applicants are able to change their course preferences from 9am Monday 25 November up until 12noon Monday 23 December Institutional change of preference days, these are worth checking out (see December 2013 Bulletin). All material in this presentation is copyrighted.
In a lot of courses you will see last year’s selection data. This gives you a guide of the ATAR standard for last year. It is not prescriptive!!
An overview
▫ Early round offers for NY12 applicants. ▫ International VCE ▫ Main round offers – majority of offers to all applicants at any preference for graduate entry teaching and undergraduate places. ▫ Round two offers – smaller number of offers – filling places ▫ After round 1: Negotiated offer (for all applicants) Supplementary offers (for all applicants)
Round 1 offer made – accept – still eligible for a higher preference in round two. Don’t wait!!! ◦ If you accept an offer made through VTAC, can withdraw if get a round two offer and get monies refunded Round 2 – about 3,000 offers made – no guarantees. After round 1: ◦ Can submit a negotiated offer for a course lower than one you’ve been offered or NOT listed on your course preferences. ◦ Can check your user account for the status of the negotiated offer.
Supplementary offers Are only available to applicants who have not received any offers in round 1 or round 2. Applicants must give VTAC permission to be eligible for consideration Supplementary offers are processed weekly in February 2014 ◦ Applicants may receive two or more offers at the same time ◦ Applicants will need to decide which offer to accept
Check out careers practitioners website for all resources to assist with counselling: Course updates, amendments and other information is updated weekly on the VTAC website. Subscribe to our blog to receive updates directly into your account: for careers practitioners Facebook: All material in this presentation is copyrighted.