W HAT IS BULIMIA ? Bulimia Nervosa (bulimia) is an eating disorder characterised by a binge-purge cycle…
B INGE During a binge, sufferers will eat a large volume of, often unhealthy, food in a short period
P URGE After eating sufferers will try to purge their body of the calories they’ve consumed. The most common forms of purging are: Throwing up Using laxatives Using diuretics Exercising hard Restricting food intake
Strict dieting Diet slips or difficult situation arises Binge eating triggered Purging to avoid weight gain Feelings of shame and self- hatred T HE B INGE P URGE C YCLE
H ARD TO S POT Secretive Illness sufferers are usually very ashamed about their difficulties and work hard to hide them Normal Weight Unlike other eating disorders, bulimia does not usually result in noticeable weight gain or weight loss
W EIGHT F LUCTUATION In some cases you may notice a weight fluctuation as purging only removes about 50% of calories – so if a sufferer goes through a period of extreme binging and purging their weight may increase compared to times when they are managing their difficulties and bingeing and purging less.
L OW SELF - ESTEEM People with bulimia usually have very low self-esteem They often feel ugly, fat and worthless and think others are judging them on their weight and shape
B ULIMIA S UMMARY I spent longer throwing up than eating. Every time I’d promise myself I’d stick to my diet this time, but I just couldn’t do it. Binge purge cycle Roughly normal weight Fluctuation in weight (some cases) Low self-esteem, think they’re fat / ugly
Need more support? Dr Pooky Knightsmith specialises in mental health and emotional well-being in the school setting. She can provide training sessions or workshops for school staff, parents or students on a variety of topics. For further information and free resources visit