Background Founder: 1983 by Oscar Romero Mission: Provide affordable, quality healthcare, health education and advocacy to the uninsured and underserved communities of greater Los Angeles. Values: Professionalism with emphasis on teamwork, compassion, quality and healthcare as a basic right.
Interviewee: Sandra Rossato Sandra Rossato About her Previous position Financial crisis Her Beliefs Qualities Position: CEO HR Director Interim board member
Development Skills learning experiences that led to her successful development and the success of Clinica included: making drastic career changes (taking a risk) while in the private sector terminating an employee on the spot not practicing open communication glass ceiling encounters taking things for granted.
Development Skills 1.Use of learning experience 2.Build plan 3.Reflect
Fostering Teamwork Lack of Team work lead to: $1 million deficit Laying off employees Tension between staff
Fostering Teamwork Team work Effective Structured Motivation Prevent pressure Implemented ideas
Communication Skills Know the purpose of what it’s being said to the employee Monthly Meetings Goals Choose appropriate medium of telling employee Conference
Communication Skills Be Clear with signals Instructions Clarifies confusions Actively ensure others understand the message Progress in work ethic Improves in the culture of the company
Conclusion What we’ve learned… Leadership skills Impact of Leadership skills