Philadelphia SHRM Emerging HR Leaders Student Mentoring Program Fall 2013 With Temple University’s Fox School of Business & The Temple University SHRM Chapter
Philly SHRM Emerging HR Leaders Student Mentoring Program Mentoring Program Committee Dr. Karen Cherwony, SPHR Amanda Boland Michelle Goldblum, MS Annastacia Mangos Lane Tita, PHR Presented by…
To unite students majoring in Human Resources with young Human Resource professionals for guidance, advice, and interaction for an enhanced perspective of transitioning from classroom to the workplace There is currently no local HR mentoring program that pair recent graduate and students near graduation with young professionals Mission
This is the first year and first semester of this pilot mentoring program Collaboration with Temple SHRM is ideal – well established student chapter, students, advisors, and faculty are all interested Philly SHRM support from the Emerging Leaders Committee and beyond is critical for the programs success and evaluations What we learn – success and problems will guide us in refining and expanding the program in future years Pilot Program: PSHRM Emerging Leaders/Temple U!
Match mentors with mentees where the relationships will be comfortable and rewarding for both mentor and mentee Create a network of mentees and mentors Expose mentees to the Philly SHRM Emerging HR Leaders Committee to create awareness of Philly SHRM and encourage continuing affiliation with the Chapter Help mentees achieve their specific goals while building their coaching and leadership skills of the mentors Intended Outcomes
Timeline July 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November April 2014 April- August 2014 Telephone meeting with committee and Erik/Jameel to finalize all logistical details, budget and timelines by 7/19 Share with PSHRM and TUSHRM leaders and advisors by 7/26 Announce program to TUSHRM and distribute applications at 9/4 meeting. Application deadline for students 9/20 Solicit mentors by 9/15 Deadline for mentors’ application 9/25 Select students and mentors (may require selection process if more students than mentors) by 9/30 Pair mentors and mentees by 10/4 Orientation at Aramark or Comcast by 10/18 (exact location/date TBD) First mentor- mentee meeting held after Orientation; to be held in-person by 10/31 Submission of Goal Sheets to Lane Tita by 10/31 Mentor-mentee meetings held at least once per month Every effort should be made to hold meetings in-person rather than via phone Program leads will check in with mentors & mentees by 12/1/13, 2/1/14 and 4/1/14 Program ends and Exit Interviews & Wrap-Up session held by 4/30 Survey distributed at by 4/30 with 5/15 deadline Committee evaluates and launches next program by 8/1
Emerging HR Leaders Mentoring leads will check in with mentors and mentees at least three times during the program Committee members will be available to resolve problems At the end of the program, a focus group will be held at the Wrap Up session and surveys administered to assess the programs strengths and areas for improvement Monitoring & Assessing Program Success
Get you mentor’s inside perspective on the HR profession Find out what type of work you may do at your first job or internship by talking with your mentor about what they did Get the skinny on what it means to transition from college student to young professional Find out what resources will be waiting for you after you graduate Examples of Goals to Set
…a recruiting agency. We are here to help you with perspective through anecdote and experience; not find a job or internship for you. …a connection to get you an interview. Finding you employment is not the intention of this program. Do Not Use Your Mentor As…
…as a sounding board for your thoughts, hopes, dreams, and ideas! We want you to dream big and we’re happy to share our successes and lessons learned with you to help you on your journey to a successful career in HR. Absolutely Use Your Mentor…
You must complete an application ASAP. Please review the requirements of the program before signing up Once accepted to the program, you will need to complete all of the requirements. This program is involved and will require you to designate time and effort This a highly competitive pilot program with an opportunity for only 10 students and 10 mentors How Do I Sign Up?
Amanda Boland Amanda Boland Dr. Karen Cherwony Michelle Goldblum Annastacia Mangos Lane Tita Questions/Comments?