Electronic Cancer Referral Dr Regina Codd GP Community Oncology Team NCCP
About the National Cancer Control Programme Established in 2007 to implement the national cancer strategy
NCCP Structure Director Surgical Oncology Network East Radiation Oncology Network South Medical Oncology Network West Community Oncology
8 cancer centres and a satellite centre
Community Oncology General Practice / Primary Care Guidelines / Standards / Integration Prevention Information Communication Survivorship Community Oncology
‘Early Detection of Cancer: A Needs Assessment of GPs’( ICGP 2006) Delay in Patient presentation Lack of clear recommendations Inequity of access Long waiting lists Lack of access to hospital based diagnostics
Why is cancer important?
What is the extent of the problem in Ireland 1 in 3 will develop invasive cancer 1 in 4 will die from cancer 29,745 new cases annual average (National Cancer Registry, 2011) 60% die within 5 years of diagnosis 134,000 cancer survivors (National Cancer Registry, 2009) Incidence will increase by 45% between 2010 and 2020 Incidence will increase by 110% between 2020 and 2030 (National Cancer registry 2008)
Actual Case Numbers of Invasive Cancers for 2005 and Projected Case Numbers for % increase % increase Head and Neck Oesophagus Stomach Colorectal Pancreas Lung Melanoma skin Female breast Gynaecological Kidney Bladder Brain and CNS Lymphoma Prostate All excl NMSC All cancers Source: NCRI, 2008
Healthy lifestyle can prevent at least 30% of cancers 1.Never smoking 2.Maintaining a healthy weight 3.Being physical active 4.Limiting alcohol 5.Taking care in the sun and never using a sun bed People with all five healthy behaviours live an average of 14 years longer than people who do not have any of them; are less likely to die from cancer or heart disease
Referral Guidelines for Suspected Cancer Shared approach between Primary and Acute Care Evidence based and timely referral, prompt diagnosis Assist GPs to identify and manage symptoms that may indicate cancer – GPs are familiar with presenting features and alert to unusual patterns or recurrence – GPs know where to refer and what to refer urgently – GPs know the appropriate investigations they can order – Patients and carers get appropriate support and information
Multidisciplinary Care Diagnostic expertise Surgeons with specialised cancer expertise & high volume practices Radiation and Medical Oncologists with sophisticated knowledge & experience plus access to hi-tech therapy Compassionate, caring environment with supportive nurses, social workers and other health care professionals
Benefits of developing cancer electronic oncology referral forms Provision of direct access for GPs to the cancer teams at the eight designated cancer centres Streamline the cancer referral process Reduce communication difficulties Provide automatic confirmation of receipt of GP referral Reduce delays in patient referral for suspected cancer Aim to increase the number of patients diagnosed at an early stage and maximise the potential for cure
Getting Started It is very easy to register with Healthlink. This service is available free to all GPs. All you need is a computer, the internet and to register with Healthlink. To register you just need to complete the following three steps: 1.Complete a registration form and send it to Healthlink (this is available on their webpage ) 2.Healthlink will then you an encryption certificate and ring you to set this up over the phone 3.Healthlink will set up a username and password for your online Healthlink Account If you currently use Healthlink, the electronic cancer referrals will be automatically available to you. For further information please ring their helpdesk on (01) or go to Their help desk is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
ICGP Accredited Software Systems Socrates Helix Practice Manager Health One Complete GP
Helix Practice Manager (HPM) Screen Shots for Presentation
Setup: Administration Tab – Practice & Machine Config
Practice Config - Enable Electronic Referrals
Machine Config - Healthlink Details
Administration – IMC Number in User Set up
Patient File
Documents Drop Down – Electronic Referral
Patient Details (registration & medical) will be auto populated
Message when accepted
Stored in Patient file
HL7 Messages
Health 1 Screen Shots for Presentation
Set up: Tools and options
Referrals – Healthlink
Patient Chart
Referral Forms
Auto populated but can Configure what Health 1 items it displays
Socrates Live Demonstration
NCCP Kings Inns House 200 Parnell Street Dublin 1 Tel ext 170
Discussion and your feedback